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Recent content by Voltaic

  1. Voltaic

    speaking the same, but different language.

    (Verbal spew because I watched a funny video) (funny video bellow) Autism is highly associated with communication difficulties. I draw the distinction off the bat, that communication being a multi party system, is not the fault of a singular person, but instead a barrier. If you grew up...
  2. Voltaic

    Video games are a legitimate hobby, DAMN IT!

    "sobriety isn't a hobby" ... maybe don't... do that.
  3. Voltaic

    Video games are a legitimate hobby, DAMN IT!

    It isn't up to skill. buuuuuuut even if you are the best, if you play only mobile... they might be right At the end of the day, I don't think our ability to be better is what determines a hobby. I am a brick compared to Micheal Phelps, but a Micheal Phelps compared to a brick. Comparing to...
  4. Voltaic

    Video games are a legitimate hobby, DAMN IT!

    E-sport players make BAENK I don't see why it can't be a hobby, when people are paid millions to be the best
  5. Voltaic

    Thou shalt not compare

    ehh, they got a good bike park too
  6. Voltaic

    Attachment Style

    I was recently diagnosed with a personality disorder. There is major overlap between trauma, autism, and pd symptoms.
  7. Voltaic

    Thou shalt not compare

    Does Red Deer have A blue ring, or a bunch of silver balls? I am suprised no one has gotten trapped in Calgary's blue ring yet. I don't know how that is possible, but it is known in Edmonton, you can make something foolproof, but not 'Calgary-proof' I will take both cities over living on the...
  8. Voltaic

    Thou shalt not compare

    "Suck it" -Edmonton.
  9. Voltaic

    Answer a QUESTION with a QUESTION

    What is human life, compared to corporate profit?
  10. Voltaic

    Scrappy-Doo was right... I just don't know how, but I can feel it in my heart.

    Scrappy-Doo was right... I just don't know how, but I can feel it in my heart.
  11. Voltaic

    Answer a QUESTION with a QUESTION

    That depends. Do you value happiness in your life?
  12. Voltaic

    Missing the wonder and discovery of the old Star Wars movies.

    I used to appease my need to obsessively learn, while avoid how depressing irl politics are, by studying starwars lore on youtube. It aint movies, but the media universe of starwars in massive. I feel 'Disney shot the magic for money,' but it is media, and I don't disparage people who like the...
  13. Voltaic

    Autism in the Media

    I had this thread planned out. You beat me to it a week ago, even with a link. Call me a bleeding heart, or one to jump into the deep end, but I will just take advantage of this situation to negate beating around the bush to share this video.
  14. Voltaic

    I am losing interest in writing film reviews.

    Bringing back the C&H obsession I thought I had recently recovered from. The best thing I have done for my creativity... I stopped trying to be creative. I went to go focus on other area's of life. I drew inspiration from the life I was living, devoid of intent of inspiring for creative...
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