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  1. Au Naturel


    Probably as important as the tooth paste is the brush. I switched to an ultrasonic brush from an "Oral B," and it made a noticeable difference. I haven't yet switched from floss to a Water Pic for between the teeth, but my wife says I should.
  2. Au Naturel


    Not true. Sensodyne is very good at calming down sensitive teeth. It contains potassium nitrate which calms the tooth nerve. That's why the dentists I've gone to recommend it for sensitive teeth. Experience tells me it works. Most but not all US toothpaste has stannous fluoride. The fluoride...
  3. Au Naturel

    The problem I have with DSM-5-TR's diagnostic criteria for ASD

    That is an incredible article. Same genes but a surgery and an infection at a critical point may have made a huge difference. Or maybe it was a point mutation in one sibling during gestation.
  4. Au Naturel

    The problem I have with DSM-5-TR's diagnostic criteria for ASD

    It seems very difficult to pin down a specific test for most autism genes. I'm not sure how high the priority is for finding them. There are a couple of genes that can be tested for. We know that having one of those genes 100% will make you autistic. Most autistic people don't have one of...
  5. Au Naturel

    The problem I have with DSM-5-TR's diagnostic criteria for ASD

    Genes and some epigenetic factors set you up for autism. Then, the environment you grow up in might move you a little in one way or another. By the time you are two, there are some simple tests to perform that have a high degree of accuracy in predicting your future experience. ASD-1 might not...
  6. Au Naturel

    Missing The Sixties

    I'm almost through my 60s. I'll probably miss them.
  7. Au Naturel

    Too much EMF exposure and Autism

    I get lightheaded from standing up too quickly. I even get lightheaded when I stop walking on a hike. Part of it is from age, but a lot of it is from a medication I'm taking. (The alternative is a surgery with some nasty side effects.) Since I know I'm vulnerable I'll drink an energy drink to...
  8. Au Naturel


    It is specifically snoring that does me in. Traffic, wind, rain, children playing, dogs barking, music, as long as they are soft and in the background; they're like white noise to me, and I have no problem falling asleep. Television and radio are fine as long as it is boring.
  9. Au Naturel

    Too much EMF exposure and Autism

    That's orthostatic hypotension. The blood drains from your head and pools in your legs because your heart has not caught up with the need to pump harder when you get upright. Could be dehydration, low blood sugar, poor cardiovascular conditioning, heart issues, and on and on. Whatever causes...
  10. Au Naturel

    Feeling too happy to the point of impulsivity and milder form of Megalomania

    It is said that when King Solomon of Judea had mood swings, both up and down, he always said to himself, "This too shall pass away." and it helped keep him on an even level.
  11. Au Naturel


    Snoring is my nemesis. For some reason, I cannot sleep if there's even faint snoring audible. Burps don't bother me but smacking of lips and noisy eating is really obnoxious.
  12. Au Naturel

    Missing The Sixties

    Tin soldiers and Nixon's comin'... I remember those days well - remember all the way back to the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Beatles invasion. I fit in well with the hippie crowd. Unfortunately, there were no hippies in my school. It would not have been tolerated. I was dragged down to the...
  13. Au Naturel

    Missing The Sixties

    Take the '60s, subtract the war on drugs, the Cold War with all its permutations, and the various kinds of bigotry that were common, and America would have been a utopia. If these things did not impact you, then for you, it really was a utopia. The decade had many, many good things going for it...
  14. Au Naturel

    Can ASPD develop without ODD or Conduct Disorder but with exposure to dark psychology videos?

    Oppositional disorder is just what they call APD in kids. The difference is that the concrete may not yet have set. You would not be watching lots of - or negatively influenced by - "dark" YouTube videos if you weren't vulnerable already.
  15. Au Naturel

    Madness of shorts in winter

    If you think about it, cloth holds moisture. If you're talking about ordinary cotton/synthetic blend pants, they will absorb lots of water and hold it against your skin, and once you get inside, they'll stay wet and keep you cold. Synthetics are better, wool is better still. Rain pants would be...
  16. Au Naturel

    How to tell someone off when they comment your behaviour?

    People watching - without being creepy about it - is an art. If you don't care if you look creepy, or don't even realize you look creepy, you'll never become proficient. You have to want to NOT be creepy. I blew job interviews because I didn't make enough eye contact. So I corrected and blew...
  17. Au Naturel

    How to tell someone off when they comment your behaviour?

    Yeah. Humans are not completely novel creatures. We have every instinct that existed in our immediate ancestors. The only difference is an expanded cortex that can do more tricks. We add a lot of learned behaviors to our instinctive behaviors. The latter may be modified by learning, but they are...
  18. Au Naturel

    A new understanding of autism?

    Actually... In real science, the one who disagrees has to present information and research to support the denial. If it passes peer review, then it gets published. Only then will further testing happen. Just disagreeing with the dominant theory without an equally well-supported alternate theory...
  19. Au Naturel

    How do i know if a guy has a crush on me

    At 15 you are a bit young to be worrying about anything more than like. Love doesn't just happen. It develops over time. Enjoy the friendliness, return the friendliness, and maybe do something together.
  20. Au Naturel

    What are your opinions on alcohol? (Questions)

    https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/evolution-of-the-self/202205/does-alcohol-uncover-your-true-self ...while the negative part of your ambivalence toward something may be kept in check by your normal consciousness, once your more prudent, self-censoring mechanisms are alcoholically...
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