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  1. C

    Hey all, I'm alive

    Welcome back!
  2. C

    What to present a gift on birthday?

    What kind of things does your husband like? You could maybe get him a gift card/voucher for his favourite shop - that way he can spend it on whatever he likes. Or you could buy him one of those experience day things (e.g. a voucher for a day driving in a racing car or a day flying a helicopter)...
  3. C

    Whats your favourite memory?

    One memory that stands out for me is when I went to America for the first time. It was my first proper holiday abroad and I met up with my Aunt and Uncle who had moved from Northern Ireland to Kansas City. They had been living there for years (can't remember how many) and the last time I seen...
  4. C


    Sean, you have contributed very little in the way of positive things. You constantly attack other males and put them down. You are trying to paint the picture that all males are sinners (bar you of course) and all females are saints (bar the ones you fell out with). It is evident by your posts...
  5. C


    The mods already have. Let's leave it at that. ;)
  6. C

    Anxiety Attacks

    There have always been adverts on Aspergic. They help with the costs of running the forums. Back on topic: Like others have said, those anxiety attacks seem rather serious and you should go to a different doctor.
  7. C


    Yes, those would be classed as stims.
  8. C

    NT-bashing in the ASD community

    Ah, so your original post of loving NT's was all sarcasm. I knew you didn't like NT's. Really now? I'm not believing this either. You made a lengthy post and scrapped it to make a drawing?
  9. C

    NT-bashing in the ASD community

    You were telling everyone about how you love all NT's and how you wanted to hug the next one that you seen. That was of course, before you wiped your post. I have my eye on you, Sean, you don't fool me.
  10. C

    Hey guys :)

    Welcome to the Aspergic forums! Quite a number of us are around your age group too. What type of video games do you like?
  11. C


    Sean, maybe you should take your own advice. Enough of the NT bashing already, you've already been warned about this sort of behaviour on other AS forums. You can't paint all neurotypicals with the same brush. I don't see how Nerd by Default is forcing is views upon anyone either. He is merely...
  12. C

    newbie here !

    Welcome to the forums! Having intense obsessions, needing a routine and being panicky about being late can be traits of Aspergers Syndrome. You have already been diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder so it's very possible you have Aspergers as well. Edit: I have moved your thread to the...
  13. C

    Sensory Issues

    Mayonnaise... flavourless? There's plenty of flavour to it, I love it. In fact I actually had some today. :)
  14. C

    I feel offended.

    I rarely hear of Aspergers being mentioned on TV or in Movies, then again I don't watch much TV nowadays, but I doubt I would be offended unless it was mentioned in a negative way.
  15. C

    What does "...the view from both sides of the mirror" mean?

    I would say it means to see things from both sides in terms of people with AS and parents of those with AS (and indeed those not on or related to the spectrum at all) having different viewpoints.
  16. C

    Top posters of the day?

    The simple answer would be that the forums are still buggy from the upgrade before summer. You will need to contact an Admin about this issue.
  17. C

    Do you talk to your parents much?

    I don't talk to my parents often and when I do it's usually small talk. I get along with them alright, it's just we're in different worlds as they are either working or doing housework and I am nearly always in my bedroom doing my own thing.
  18. C


    @Chair from that voice clip you posted, I would say you sound American to me. You're accent is cool. @superboyian I think you're accent is good. As for myself, I'm not sure if I like my accent or not. Although I think it's more to do with the fact that my voice is deep and I can have problems...
  19. C

    For school leavers

      I think that if I had the chance to go back and do things over again, they would be very different. I have had a lot of social success this year and have been putting a lot of effort into learning how to socialise and communicate with others.
  20. C

    Fear of lightning/thunder: Is this common amongst aspies?

    I have always been fascinated by them more so than afraid.
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