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My poor IQ is the reason why I still live at home with my control freak parents, I am unemployed, never travel anywhere, have friends and keep losing them. Why I am a big loser that won't amount to anything.
Maybe find a skill you like, and learn it at your own pace. That will give you confidence about yourself.
unemployed for over 20 years now right? and you haven't worked that much in your life either too right?
Tony Ramirez
Tony Ramirez
That's because of low IQ of not having college. A vicious cycle of my miserable life.
Had my first "meltdown in the middle of a workday" experience. Not fun. I need to drop a job somehow.
Oh no!
ChatGPT gives me the hope that this is a temporary situation during this particular phase of alcohol recovery. 2 more months to go before panicking that this will be permanent.
Good luck. I try to stay off meds to deal with panic attacks.
I'm getting real sick of hearing every tom dick and harry talk about there travel plans around the world or future plans while I been stuck in hell town Brooklyn with my control freak family for 5 years with my last vacation to Connecticut.
You inspired me to cut down on my cussing... I hope you have a better day.
Tony Ramirez
Tony Ramirez
Thanks I only say minor swears when I am angry the ones I typed out I don't say the b words and never the f or s word.
I feel like buying a 12-pack of beer on the way home from work today, along with some fried chicken, mac and cheese, and potato wedges. Definitely going to avoid the store today. All of that does sound great to me right now.
I am getting suffocated by my parents deciding everything for me. The worst thing is i do need help with some things in my life but getting treated like a child who cannot handle anything is seriously making me feel worthless
I came out to my grandfather today.

I can't say it went good or bad because he wasn't even awake but still, I just wanted to do this and tell him before he passes.

I wish I could have done it earlier.
I won't make you happy by saying this. But the coming out is for you, not him. His generation thought of things quite differently than you do. You might actually hurt him. If he's old and weak, just leave things as it is. Otherwise it's selfish.
If he loves you, it's okay. But it may not be important to him, or he may not understand. But you felt better. You felt connected. He will know you, by your spiritual connection.
My grandmother was kind of in and out of it. But she recognized me as one that always showed her love. And we both felt secure in that connection. The most important thing, is that you showed up for him. That's a beautiful gift. I am sorry you are going thru this difficult time now.
Revenge will come when the food deliveries stop coming someday and the remnants of the White colonizers will have to forage for food and medicine. "We must remember the old ways, for the time will come when we will need them again." -a wise Indigenous California elder
Strange that the Whites in the valleys don't realize that the Indigenous tribes might have more knowledge of stuff like edible/medicinal native plants given that they've been here much longer than Europeans. A common theme among locals is "why should the indians 150 miles downstream tell us what to do?" regarding the dam removals.
65 miles one way to get to the Karuk "capital", over a winding mountain road that follows the Klamath River Canyon. By the end of the round trip I was nauseous from motion sickness. I had to stop and buy Dramamine. This morning I was still woozy and foggy, and I had to sleep much of the day. Still worth it.
$64 but it is worth it. Elaine also noted that as far as acorns go, you collect them in the fall and put them in a warm dark place to "cure" over the winter, similarly to how alcohol is aged. Then you peel and mash them, mix them with water, then boil the mush (same consistency as Cream of Wheat, she said) until the tannin has been leached out.
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