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Tony Ramirez

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  • Stupid rules wearing wedding ring on left hand 2nd finger which makes no sense being a right handed society.
    Don't you want to smack any couples you see. Makes me not want to get out of bed.
    You sound angry. And depressed.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    My therapist said the sane thing.
    Forced to wear useless face diaper at clinic.
    And you didn't scream or curse?
    Do you mean... a mask? Does that bother you? It seems like a common sense measure to take regardless of pandemics when there could be other sick people around.
    It's my birthday in a few days. I am halfway through life still single with only couples as friends.
    Just came back from a Church park outing. It was mostly couples and kids and much small talk in groups which I can't handle so I left.
    Is there ever a good day for you, or does that prophecy just keep you down constantly?
    At life group all couples there telling how they meet their spouse. I am dying here walking so they can rub it in.
    Unbelievable as it seems to you, those people don't wake up everyday thinking *how can I make Tony Ramirez jealous.*
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Some of them may secretly miss when they were singles... Happynes is tricky.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Also walking home in the rain ruined my earbuds. If I would have stayed home they would have still worked. I have extras though.
    At after church lunch I had to hear married smiling Josh talk about his wife and kids. Success and he is younger than me. Punch in face.
    If this is how you feel about everyone else--why are we supposed to hope you end up in a relationship?
    It's eating you alive and will be harmful to the woman as well when you finally do start dating
    Maybe I'm reading it weird, but it seems like if others' success is like a punch in the face, you may have a hard time with your own success
    Going out to eat after church in a group. Already two couples and a girl sitting in front of me just said her boyfriend. Why do I even try.
    If couples are so loathsome, why do you want to be in one?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I am jealous of what they have that no matter how hard I try I can never achieve.
    Sick of hearing my wife my husband from couples. Shut up already you are already taken.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Hey Tony, do you like music? Supposedly, vinyls, sometimes get stuck in the same same groove. And they play the same thing over again. And you have to get up adjust it, the needle, and change it to fix it. To get something different. To get it to play out normally.

    I wouldn't know that for sure,though because I only ever had cds and cassettes.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Also forgot when they riub n there kids. I feel like punching them out.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Maybe you could....find a hobby; like boxing.
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