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Tony Ramirez

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  • I already Catastrophising when I got to my new church thinking they were closed pacing for 5 minutes until someone came out. Now I am breaking bread with the pastor and new friends.
    I hope I die in my sleep tonight.
    Are you okay? I don't know you, but I want you to know someone cares about your existence. I don't want you to die.
    Oh boy, l can't tell you how many times l have had that thought.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I'm going to a new church tonight. I also had a good private yoga class with my teacher who cares for me. I feel good.
    It's going to take me a long time before I ever trust a single woman again who clams wants to be "just friends".
    It's hard not being accepted
    Misty Avich
    I'm sorry women treat you like this. *Hugs*
    I love this community.
    Meanwhile, you're so disappointed that you fantasize the entire world and all its inhabitants being destroyed.

    The way you express your positive and negative feelings is pretty extreme.
    Things seem to be all or nothing with you.
    This planet needs to be blown up with everyone on it.
    Sometimes it's an extremely cruel place.
    So. What you are asking, because of the immediate people in your life, is for people across the word, animals, and plant life to all die. All because you dislike your situation.

    Taking the nuclear route has never helped anyone. Only more pain comes from this thought process. Namely for the person enacting it.
    You make a strong case :D
    I hope finally purging toxic places I been going to for several years and the terrible people will improve my life.
    Small talk in a group ain't that bad which I did with a group of people I meet for the first time. As long as you got topics that actually interest you to talk about. Just stim and rest during your private time or with the people your close with who know of your ASD to avoid burnout.
    I am at my friends cafe away from home enjoying a hot chocolate and a lemon cake. I also bought my Macbook. I now know I can come here in the afternoons to escape home.
    I think it is time you stopped being so hard on yourself. I literally am jealous of your successful weight loss. Dude, that is awesome and I could never fault anybody who succeeds at that.
    If I want to end my life to get rid of this curse then why do I have to go through so much drama of people telling me that's life's worth living when it's really not.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Lost 90 pounds mostly doing yoga. Teachers and friends are very proud and supportive.
    Be proud of that, that is not a minor feat at all. That means you have strength and discipline as a human being.
    Hang in there Tony you'll feel life is worthwhile again it usually comes.in cycles and my best times usually come after a period of depression!
    Actually my gpa in college was not 1.0 that was a D but was actually a 0.0 which is a F. Pathetic autistic failure I am.
    You are smarter than what you are giving yourself credit for. Depression makes many people get 0 GPAs when their actual intelligence is much higher, I can tell by reading your posts that you are no idiot. Stop treating yourself as such.
    I got an ungraded once.. not unexpected as usually I'd get sent out of class but still.. actually I got two ungraded in serious exams
    And @thejuice, you are no bloody moron either.
    Doing yoga classes is actually calming me down more than hanging out with the church groups and peers which has been more stressful.
    Alright, that's a big break thru for you. Sometimes church groups are precarious, because you can fall out of favor depending on a multitude of things.
    They seem nicer
    I'm on a verge of an nervous breakdown of I have to interact with anymore normal people instead of actual type 1 ASD in real life.
    People who don't have autism should not give advice to people who have autism. They don't understand anything about what it's like to live with this horrible curse.
    Wednesday really sucked if you think about it. I had a great yoga class. But then it went downhill fast. I was ostracized at the park. I was kicked out of a life group. There was only a man in yoga class. My mother once again gave me a talking how my friend is now an ex friend and is no good. My life sucks and people will betray you in the end.
    My insta got hacked and I'm nuclear banned from it now. I don't care enough to fix it lol
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I'm 😔.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Actually checking the insta social, Miko has not attended the winter social since November 2023. Just noticed it. It is not in one shot this year, and they do it every month. No shock. He probably could not handle the social sensory overload and the ostracized.
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