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  • I am getting suffocated by my parents deciding everything for me. The worst thing is i do need help with some things in my life but getting treated like a child who cannot handle anything is seriously making me feel worthless
    My new "friend", keeps getting mad about men's clothes getting more feminine and how its a secret agenda to turn people gay. I wish that was a joke but it.. is not.
    i think thats called putting the cart before the horse! :D
    Lurking on Youtube there is a lulzy video made up of clips of conspiracy ranter Alex Jones claiming that "they are putting stuff in the water that makes the frogs gay" that is put to kazoo-like music and made into a song. Every time I get fed up with homophobic conspiracy theories I fire up that song.
    ^Lol i have to send that video to him! How do you say" that is the stupidest and most ignorant thing i have heard, do you get paid to act like this? "in a polite NT way? Bc thats what i want to say to him
    Maybe i don't deserve a higher paying job. My social life does not match up to my career anyway. I am an abomination
    Well you got a job so that's better than majority of autistics I think 🤔 I was told last night by my bros friend: don't I get lonely, why don't I go on a dating app, aren't I depressed and that I have a sad life and that I should get a dog. My brother was always the gifted one which was pushed to do well 🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 aw thanks 👍

    A dog would be better company than him tbf
    Wow what a mean thing to say. Aren't these people supposed to be empathetic and such? I remember being told "dont you have any friends? None at all?" by a classmate before. At the time i was surprised she could ask something that obviously hurt me. It did not even occur to me that she does not care at all.
    Ah yeh kids say dumb hurtful things including me. I was once asked "I wish I was like you, having no interest in girls" lol

    Tbf he tends to get beaten up a lot because of his mouth, especially bouncers and psycho boyfriends of girls he hits on. I find him half a pain and half a hilarious drunk trainwreck. I've know him for a long time so I expect the lack of filter at this point 🤣😂
    Dreamt of my ex best friend again. In the dream I told her i miss her so much and only feel relaxed when i am with her. I was masking with her too but maybe i let my true self show too
    Having a job that require s so much social intricacies is a mistake for me. I should have been diagnosed when i was a child. Thanks for nothing dear home country
    I feel like legally, i should not have been able to have this job. I am not of sound mind and i am not able enough to make important decisions
    Not even my parents know about my asd. I could never tell them let alone anyone else. They would not believe it anyway and even if they did they would just treat me as intellectually disabled or an invalid
    Think of the "Peter Principle".

    How persons in management were promoted to jobs they don't necessarily understand based on prior jobs they may have excelled at. That they often just appear to know what they are doing, even if they aren't.

    Crazy, huh? It's ok to feel over your head on the job. it happens. But it doesn't necessarily mean you can't cut it, whatever you decide to do.
    Good luck. Maybe you will just get a written reprimand. It might not be as bad as you think.
    I wish i could just say my feelings without being afraid that i will become a burden
    I wish to be a source of support, not a burden
    I really feel guilty for pretending to be someone i am not. I feel like i need to disclose my autism and adhd at work.
    Met with a friend today. I tried to be as genuine as possible i hope i was not annoying.
    We are not similar at all and i did not feel close to him. I wish i could hang out with the people i feel close to
    Not being able to notice people's thoughts about me sucks. Like i really think someone's kind but they might actually hate me
    I might have to babysit my friend's daughter today. I am a bit anxious, i don't want her to get bored. Does anyone have an idea of any fun activities to keep her from getting bored? She is 7
    Once in a while i remember my old online crush and i feel sort of guilty for stopping talking to them
    When i have a crush it never ends well though so it was prob. For the best
    My biggest wish is to not be an emotional burden on anyone. I want to be liked and than forgotten
    Me too. I absolutely hate that l am a financial burden on someone. I would work full-time but it's been difficult.
    I hate it too. I work full time and i am still a financial burden to my parents.
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