Just dropping in to share this link real quick - I think it's the only list I've gone down where I could agree with the author on EVERY point she hit, so I *think* this may indicate it's a pretty good generalized list of traits, even though I don't think she intended it to be as much of a definitive list of autie traits as much as she intended it to be a general list of personality quirks.
It's on Medium, so you might be asked to sign up, and if you're over your monthly limit and don't pay their membership fee, you may not be able to read the article. I would reprint here, but I don't have official permission to do so... and would hate to cheat this author out of compensation for her work.
51 Reasons Why I Know I'm Autistic
It's on Medium, so you might be asked to sign up, and if you're over your monthly limit and don't pay their membership fee, you may not be able to read the article. I would reprint here, but I don't have official permission to do so... and would hate to cheat this author out of compensation for her work.
51 Reasons Why I Know I'm Autistic