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Love and relationships

I shed some tears, Down the years, But really not all that many. Not nearly enough, I seemed to act tough, Like I just couldn't give a ha'penny. But reality is, The more that I whizz, Thru emotional moments sans feelings. I get in a tizz, No analysis, Will help the pain with some healing. How...
Do autistic people age better than neurotypicals? Given we are often neglected, derided, and abused in our younger years, are we more used to the marginalisation of ageism when we get old (whatever 'old' means)? As I get closer to sixty, I have not achieved various benchmarks that the average...
Georgia Galaxy
1 min read
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Love and relationships
1. Do you ever have negative, one-sided or short-lived friendships with others? Because man, I've already had two of those this year and it's kinda hit me in the head like a nail >_<;; I feel like it's not a good sign when a friendship feels more like a struggle instead of something that's...
Georgia Galaxy
1 min read
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Love and relationships
Negative Opinion/One I had before: It's one thing to look at a fictional character and go "awooga" thinking that they're pretty or handsome, but it's another thing thinking that about a person. Yes, I would rather kiss my lovely dog and give him a big, sloppy hug than have a real person kiss me...
Anxiously waiting
4 min read
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Love and relationships
Hi. Things were coming along very well. We met on a dating app a few months ago and have been actively dating and talking daily since. Until last week. He is ND and had ADHD. He was very diligent about contacting me daily, via text mostly, phone or FaceTime. I also reached out to him. We have...
4 min read
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Love and relationships
In this post I'll try to explain my personal vision of the relationships and also a trick which I use to improve my communication during the relationships. As for my personal vision of the relationships. I see the two ways to being in a relationships: 1) Romantic relationships; 2) Sexual...
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