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Circle - part i

Had my first meeting at the circle to begin training as a medium. Friends have joked that it sounded like a cult. The reality is it's a medium leading a group of spiritual people on a path to develop their abilities in a safe and practical way.

The people I met were lovely. It was fascinating hearing each person's introduction, and how their spiritual awakening began, and where on the journey they are. Many people's awakenings had happened after a trauma. One had survived a car crash that they shouldn't have - it was that bad. The medium had known them since they were young, and told the family immediately after it happened that he would be fine.

I later shared that I'd survived a car crash. A 70mph head on collision which I know I shouldn't have survived. The Dr's at the hospital said the survival rates were tiny, and that it was nothing short of a miracle I survived, let alone the person in the other car too.

For me, that hadn't triggered a spiritual awakening, but an emotional one; allbeit not in the best of ways, as my anxiety and depression ramped up considerably around that point in my life; but my mind and body was opening up; I just didn't know what to do with it.

Some, like myself have started to communicate with their guides. But there was person I was particularly drawn to. They said they had imposter syndrome being there at the circle, and upon hearing other people's experiences, they felt even more awkward and doubtful as they'd not had such things in their life.

The medium was patient and understanding. In fact, she's the most talented medium I've met so far on my journey. It was an hour or so of individuals speaking in turn, and questions and conversations on various topics.

It was a very welcoming atmosphere. After we did the guided meditation together, the energy was very strong.

The guided meditation led by the medium involved various locations, leading to the spirit world.

It started visualising a patio door. Going out into the garden. I was joined by 2 of my guides who joined me there. One was a best friend in school who had committed suicide. In the garden we were told to visualise children playing, but children from historical times. After the meditation, when each person in turn spoke of their journey afterwards, everyone's was vastly different; some could not even visualise at all.

I'm forever lost in my mind and imagation, so the guided meditation was very strong. Whilst in the garden, walking around and watching the children play, I noticed there were children from ancient times, Egypt and Europe, along with the Far East.

The medium then said to look at our feet. As something was there. Iooked down and saw a person was stood next to me. A man dressed in armour - my latest guide who joined me a few weeks ago. A man of great skill and pride in life who had come forward as a guide to help me build my own reserves and confidence in my abilities.

The medium said they would provide us with a message or gift. He handed me an item wrapped in purple silk. As I unwrapped it, I found in my hands an oval shaped sharpening stone. He said it was for me to sharpen my senses and wits.

We were told to continue on our journey, and we came to a stream with a bridge across it. I ended up somewhere very special; a place in some woodlands that I'd visited several years ago in Cornwall.

I mentioned after the meditation that I was there with someone who was the right person, at the wrong point in my life. They were with me in the meditation too. We were told to look down at the stream and notice the colour of the water - it was clear as glass, but on the return journey I noticed it was pink. After the meditation she told us the colour of the water indicates what level of the spiritual realm we were about to enter.

I carried on along the bridge, and looked back - my friend stayed in the middle of the bridge, I felt folorn looking back and leaving her there, but I knew I had to go on. I was told to take a step down at the end of the bridge, and into the mist. Whilst walking through the mist someone would take our hand.

The person who met me was a client from my old job as a carer for the elderly. A magical person from the Carribean. They had very bad mobility - shuffling with a walker and going into another room could take over 5 minutes.

One day at work, they held my hand to steady themselves momentarily. Then they took my other hand and started to dance with their arms moving mine back and forth, one at a time. I noticed their walking was incredibly nimble and balanced when they did this dance/shuffle with me. Their face lit up; such a change in energy and mood.

Whilst I encouraged them to use the walker wherever possible, it became our thing to occasionally dance/walk to destinations in their house; not the done thing from a company/work perspective of course, but my gut had no doubts - and as an old soul, I'm not going against my gut.

Anyway, the background narrative aside - she took me by the hands in the mist, and we danced. This time she led the way, shuffling backwards and I walked with her guiding me.
The mist cleared and we were in a meadow. The medium said we would see things that we used to cherish. Family and others. We got to a bench, and I sat there with my maternal grandfather. A man I never met in life, and only started to communicate with since his passing, and my spiritual awakening several months ago.

We sat on the bench, and the medium said they will provide a gift or a message; possibly for someone in the room. He held me by both hands and smiled. He said I knew the message already, and sure enough it had come to me before we even did the meditation.

We then reversed the steps of the guided meditation, and ended up closing the patio door and moving on. Looking back to see through the window of the door that there was nothing there any longer.

When we went round the group and discussed our journey, I gave my message to the person. It was the woman in the group who had felt so doubtful about her abilities and presence in the circle. I reached out my hands to her, palms upwards. She took me by the hands and I held her gently. I smiled warmly and said "You will make it." She was so happy, almost tearful.

After our evening session had finished and we were getting up to leave, she came and gave me a big hug and many kisses on the cheek. She said I'd made her evening.

The medium also said I had transfigured during the meditation. Something rather intriguing. She's at the group tomorrow, that I attend on Thursday nights. I'm not sure if I'll get a reading when I attend, but it's a lovely place to be even if you simply listen to messages received by other people. Let's not forget that information for others can give us cause to reflect and introspect on our own journey.

I know many out there will be doubtful, or flat out deny any credibility to spirituality - but that's ok. Your beliefs create your reality, and on this journey I have met some of the most warm, welcoming and open-minded people in my life.

My mood and energy has been exuberant ever since I left the circle, and I'm very much looking forward to next week's meeting.



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