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"Moral" Bullying?

This morning when I was driving to work I heard something on the radio that I just could not believe. The Michigan Legislature has just passed an anti-bullying law that allows for "moral and religious exemptions." In other words, if a bully can prove that his or her bullying was inspired by deep moral convictions, then it is ok for them to bully. I thought, no, this is just another of those stupid stories. Unfortunately it is not. They did, and it does.

The bill was initially introduced after a young man committed suicide in 2002 as a result of bullying. But now the youth's father is having second thoughts about the bill he helped sponsor. So are the Democrats, who were initially supportive of the bill. They all voted against it.

And who is responsible for putting this clause into the bill? Our friends the Republicans! Now I want to say that I am a Republican, but I have been seriously thinking about switching parties for a long time and this may be the last straw. I am ashamed of the GOP, utterly, utterly ashamed of them and the religious bullies they pander to. Yes, bullies.

These people are so afraid that someone somewhere might show some compassion, some kindness, some decency to gays and others they don't approve of, that they have to put it into law that they do not have to abide by these basic rules when it comes to people they don't like. Whatever happened to "Whatsoever you do to the least of these, that you do unto Me?" Whatever happened to, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?" They are so goddamn afraid that treating someone with respect means condoning their lifestyle, that they cannot bring themselves to look at what their very own Savior said about those who were despised. "Who is my neighbor?" a man asked Jesus when He told him that the Law commands to love God and your neighbor as yourself. And Jesus responded with the parable of the Good Samaritan. This despised religious outcast went out of his way to help another in need, while the righteous religious folk walked right on by and looked the other way. I imagine Jesus Himself had seen this scenario many a time. "Who was neighbor to the man in need?" He asked, and his questioner said, "the one who helped him." He couldn't even bring himself to say the word Samaritan, that's how much they were looked down upon.

If you want to know why so many people have NO USE for Christianity, look no farther! You would think that Christians of all people would be at the forefront for eliminating bullying, bigotry and discrimination, but not so. Sadly, not so. And it goes back to this "spiritual warfare" business I have talked about before. When you are in a war you cannot have compassion on the "enemy". So bullying then becomes "moral" and a "duty." Give me a break!

Apparently Christ did not die for those who are the victims of religious and morally inspired bullying. Apparently He only died for a few, not all. Christianity's great promise is a LIE.

You can better believe that when it comes time to vote I will remember this.


I find the absurd to add have an anti-bullying law that allows for "moral and religious exemptions". it allows religious people to bully atheists, and other people can also bully because they feel the other person deserves the bullying ethically.

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