I don't believe my current therapist is working out for me. I'm supposed to trust him, but I don't. I haven't trusted the previous one either. My only question is, how long will it take, and what will it take for me to trust them? Trust seems to be an issue with me, even with ordinary stuff like what music I listen to. There doesn't seem to be any other therapists close enough to drive biweekly to, and that doesn't even cover the cost of the actual session. But, back to trust though. Do other people have issues trusting people? I have a difficult time believing that other people aren't out to get me in some way. I avoid going out around town in fear of seeing someone I know goes to school with me. I don't share things easily with people, and if I do, I only give different people different bits and pieces of things, so they don't know the full "story". I don't like it when people know things about me, really. I would talk with someone about this, but, you know. But better-ish news! I got Minecraft, but my laptop is a bit too slow to run it properly.