Generator Land: haiku x1
Title: HAIKU x1
Descriptor: TESTING
Button: click it
Background: midnight [black]
because there is no pattern to conflict with the words.
Total of Unique Results Possible: 11,718
mywords [group A. phrase of 5 syllables] + mywords [phrase of 7 syllables]
+ mywords [group B. phrase of 5 syllables]
Sample of Results:
never say never
where have all the flowers gone
mentally drifting
Can you see it now?
she gave me a perfect glance
resurrection now
tomorrow and tomorrow
never enough sleep
on the wind, a voice again
so beautifully
The Title & Descriptor indicate that this is a first trial at producing haiku.
Title: HAIKU x1
Descriptor: TESTING
Button: click it
Background: midnight [black]
because there is no pattern to conflict with the words.
Total of Unique Results Possible: 11,718
mywords [group A. phrase of 5 syllables] + mywords [phrase of 7 syllables]
+ mywords [group B. phrase of 5 syllables]
Sample of Results:
never say never
where have all the flowers gone
mentally drifting
Can you see it now?
she gave me a perfect glance
resurrection now
tomorrow and tomorrow
never enough sleep
on the wind, a voice again
so beautifully
The Title & Descriptor indicate that this is a first trial at producing haiku.