Most people are good by nature.
If we start to label people 'bad', this means they are beyond the norm, and they seem to be divisive and uncommitted to our own ways.
Yes, people make mistakes. But then, wouldn't it be good to let everyone else do mistakes and realize they are wrong, and try to rectify it?
One mistake include really trying to think of ways to get just the maximum power, in order to boss around everyone. (I am guilty of that. And I realized long enough, I cannot please everyone)
Another include trying to force everybody into one's plans... without realizing that everything is done too fast without consideration of the ability and willingness of everybody. (My experience is, I know a few really able friends not willing to help in our cause, and I have a few friends who are too willing to do the things they may not be able to do. Some people are able and willing, yes, but also, most people I believe aren't able and willing)
The third include not considering everyone's strengths. How is a joint media project coming along, I ask a few people I feel could do better. Don't you know this would help us and our interests in the long run? (It's shelved)
If we start to label people 'bad', this means they are beyond the norm, and they seem to be divisive and uncommitted to our own ways.
Yes, people make mistakes. But then, wouldn't it be good to let everyone else do mistakes and realize they are wrong, and try to rectify it?
One mistake include really trying to think of ways to get just the maximum power, in order to boss around everyone. (I am guilty of that. And I realized long enough, I cannot please everyone)
Another include trying to force everybody into one's plans... without realizing that everything is done too fast without consideration of the ability and willingness of everybody. (My experience is, I know a few really able friends not willing to help in our cause, and I have a few friends who are too willing to do the things they may not be able to do. Some people are able and willing, yes, but also, most people I believe aren't able and willing)
The third include not considering everyone's strengths. How is a joint media project coming along, I ask a few people I feel could do better. Don't you know this would help us and our interests in the long run? (It's shelved)