I've been treating myself for extreme emotional ampathy since last Sunday and I've had since phenomenal results in a major breakthrough today. I'm coming back yo! Today I've noticed I'm looking for patterns when I'm outside,noticing body language more doing Advanced analyzing having an extreme imagination, hyper focusing,I'm even stemming again. But my downfalls to Feeling Again as in I'm having some anxiety and a bit of depression but as long as I'm not associating which made me get to the point of blocking my feelings in the first place but I'm prepared for scenarios like this. I have a few friends in my city that's been asking to hang out and I should be ready in about a week or two. I've come to terms with myself life and people in the city not to associate things anymore. Because it all leads to your sub-conscience which Alters my reality perception on things and it's not worth it in the end cuz it's only going to be me that suffers only thing people can do is give me a pill. But for the first time in a long time I'm feeling good.