Note: if you are religious - please don't read this as you may consider this post offensive to your religious feelings.
Well, this is about my personal view of religion. I'm not a blasphemer, not an antagonist of any religion but my outlook often considered weird, inappropriate or even hostile.
I never consider myself religious - although I was baptised in Orthodox church. One time in the childhood I tried to understand some concepts of Christian outlook but I quickly realized that I can't understand almost all of them. So I call myself atheistic. Much later when I studied in the university I became interested in traditional celtic paganism - but I was attracted mainly by aesthetic side of religion (rites, music, ritual inventory) but not the outlook. Besides I thinked that this is maybe strange to worship an old deities in a large city - so I abandoned this idea. After 2 years I became interested in Catholic outlook and started to regularly visit masses in a small catholic cathedral. I was amazed by the athmosphere of the cathedtal, organ music and strict yet beautiful mass rite. I started to perform a mourning prayers, learning Bible - and this quickly became a part of a daily routine (as I always liked the strict routine). But... I realized quickly that all my attempts to became a faithful christianin looks much like mechanical action but not a sincere faith. Then I thinked that I must stop this just because Christianity probably just not my outlook. Later was a period of short interest in Buddhism but it was abandonesd soon. Now I consider myself ietsist - the Dutch term for a conception of believing that "something exist but I can't describe what is it". I also never understand the conception of Heaven and Hell as I found nothing logical in it. I personally believe in a some kind of a reincarnation - a kind of "tranferring of the consciousness". Basically I see the body and the soul of a human as a "hardware" and "software" - so the "software" could be installed on an another "hardware". This is also fits into a conception of a cyclic recurrence - for example, the cycles of dawn and dusk, death and birth, change of the seasons, cycles of chemical reactions etc.
As for Heaven and Hell - once I performed some simple calculations and understood that this conception may be irrational and not logical (at least for me). So this is my calculations. Firstly, let's call both Heaven and Hell just "Other world"
Then let's imagine that there are one death per second (roughly) and one soul emerges. So we have:
60 souls per minute
3600 souls per hour
86400 souls per day
31536000 souls per year
63450432000 - total amount of souls since A. D. in "Other world"
Then perform such a discources:
1. If soul is a physical substance. Imagine that the "capacity" of the Earth is about 8000000000 humans. So we need about 8 Earth-like planets for all this souls for now (and a lot more for further times).
2. If soul is an informational substance. Imagine that soul size is about 10 Tb (for example). So we need a kind of "super server" or cluster of many thousands of mainframes for 634504320000 * 10[SUP]-12[/SUP] yottabytes of data!
So this is maybe I can't "just believe" - because I always start to discourse about any subject.
Well, this is about my personal view of religion. I'm not a blasphemer, not an antagonist of any religion but my outlook often considered weird, inappropriate or even hostile.
I never consider myself religious - although I was baptised in Orthodox church. One time in the childhood I tried to understand some concepts of Christian outlook but I quickly realized that I can't understand almost all of them. So I call myself atheistic. Much later when I studied in the university I became interested in traditional celtic paganism - but I was attracted mainly by aesthetic side of religion (rites, music, ritual inventory) but not the outlook. Besides I thinked that this is maybe strange to worship an old deities in a large city - so I abandoned this idea. After 2 years I became interested in Catholic outlook and started to regularly visit masses in a small catholic cathedral. I was amazed by the athmosphere of the cathedtal, organ music and strict yet beautiful mass rite. I started to perform a mourning prayers, learning Bible - and this quickly became a part of a daily routine (as I always liked the strict routine). But... I realized quickly that all my attempts to became a faithful christianin looks much like mechanical action but not a sincere faith. Then I thinked that I must stop this just because Christianity probably just not my outlook. Later was a period of short interest in Buddhism but it was abandonesd soon. Now I consider myself ietsist - the Dutch term for a conception of believing that "something exist but I can't describe what is it". I also never understand the conception of Heaven and Hell as I found nothing logical in it. I personally believe in a some kind of a reincarnation - a kind of "tranferring of the consciousness". Basically I see the body and the soul of a human as a "hardware" and "software" - so the "software" could be installed on an another "hardware". This is also fits into a conception of a cyclic recurrence - for example, the cycles of dawn and dusk, death and birth, change of the seasons, cycles of chemical reactions etc.
As for Heaven and Hell - once I performed some simple calculations and understood that this conception may be irrational and not logical (at least for me). So this is my calculations. Firstly, let's call both Heaven and Hell just "Other world"
Then let's imagine that there are one death per second (roughly) and one soul emerges. So we have:
60 souls per minute
3600 souls per hour
86400 souls per day
31536000 souls per year
63450432000 - total amount of souls since A. D. in "Other world"
Then perform such a discources:
1. If soul is a physical substance. Imagine that the "capacity" of the Earth is about 8000000000 humans. So we need about 8 Earth-like planets for all this souls for now (and a lot more for further times).
2. If soul is an informational substance. Imagine that soul size is about 10 Tb (for example). So we need a kind of "super server" or cluster of many thousands of mainframes for 634504320000 * 10[SUP]-12[/SUP] yottabytes of data!
So this is maybe I can't "just believe" - because I always start to discourse about any subject.