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  • Author Author Lilacleia16
  • Create date Create date
  • Blog entry read time Blog entry read time 1 min read
TABLE OF SYNESTHESIA TYPES (by combinations of senses)

Basically, synesthesia is the combining of two senses out of the five. There are ten types as follows:
1. Touch-Sight=Feeling touch when watching fights. Feeling people as colors.
2. Touch-Sound=Feeling sounds on skin/ dancing in shapes to sounds
3. Touch-Smell=Smells hitting you or caressing you and smelling emotions
4. Touch-Taste=Tasting metal or wood when touching it.
5. Sight-Sound=Music that projects colors
6. Sight-Smell=Smells as colors or shapes
7. Sight-Taste=Tasting colors or shapes
8. Sound-Smell=Hearing colors as music
9. Sound-Taste=Tasting flavors when hearing words
10. Taste-Smell=Tasting what you smell.

Of these, Lily has 2,3,6,7,and 10. Of these I have 1,2,3,4, and 10. Mine are all related to touch but Lilys are distributed through all of her senses evenly. If you have synesthesia, do you also gave 5 kinds like us? Are they of one sense or distributed evenly?


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