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Touch Synesthesia Examples from my Experiences

  • Author Author Lilacleia16
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  • Blog entry read time Blog entry read time 3 min read
Touch- Sight=
People vibrate as colors. It’s like an aura but I feel it instead of see it. Each nationality vibrates as a different color than their skin tone. Native Americans vibrate as yellow variations even though their skin is red. Black people vibrate as red variations even though their skin is black. Asians vibrate as white or earth tones even though their skin is yellow. White people vibrate as black, purple, or blue variations even though their skin is white.

I feel touch when other people touch like I have to look away when there is fighting because I feel it with my heartfield as if I am being punched. This is called mirror touch. I have even paused movies because of the overwhelm during fight scenes.

I feel compatible with machines as though I am the machine and even as though the machine is my friend. I yell at inanimate objects and shake my hands violently to keep from punching them at times. I imagine moving with it like my arm going up when the trash truck arm goes up. So I have machine empathy and also when objects get hurt I feel it in my body like when people get hurt.

I feel sounds on my skin like wind or energy. They make me want to dance, pace, or twirl.

When other people talk I can feel their words in my mouth as if I am forming the words. Which is really fun when there’s an accent and I end up talking similar to the people talking to me.

Sounds can make me feel intense emotions and race my heart.They can cause me to move my body quickly to compensate for the feeling it evokes.

Some sounds feel like velvet and some sounds feel empty and hollow. Some sounds feel thick or transparent and you have to wade through them like wading through heavy water in big chunky rain boots.

I also quote movie lines or commercials out of nowhere.

Smells can hit me, knock me over, or caress me. Smells can hug me and envelope me. There is a wind or energy flow around smells. Perfume like Patchouli smells how wood feels. Gasoline smells like how metal feels. I can’t stand chemicals for cleaning because of their smells and tastes. Smell and taste seem to be connected for me.

I don’t like sponges because I can taste mold, mildew and bacteria on my hands. My hands absorb tastes, usually from liquids. I don’t like cleaning products that you can’t eat because I taste them in my mouth when they get on my hands. I use alcohol and paper towels to wipe down surfaces because it evaporates and the taste and smell goes away. It can also be used as mouthwash so it can’t be swallowed but it can be in the mouth.

When I shake someone’s hand it can have a soggy taste like cereal when it’s been in milk too long. It can also be dry with sharp daggers poking my hand like corn flakes with no milk. It can taste slimy like a frog skin or a slug.


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