I did not know this was a thing. I will definitely look into this. More suggestions for games that have good solo play would be appreciated.
Honestly, it's hard to make suggestions without knowing what you're looking for in a game. The idea of solo-playable games isnt like this rare niche thing at this point... there are so, so freaking many of these. Just to give an idea how big it has gotten, there are entire Youtube channels that are JUST solo playthroughs of different games, kinda like "let's play" videos, except for board games instead of video games. And there are some games, such as Marvel Champions (which is really good) that just keep going with the content (seriously there is so much of that game).
I can give you this though:
I made those a couple of years ago, it was sorta an attempt to explain how solo board games even work. I show some examples and talk about the mechanics of each one a bit to give an understanding of what makes these tick, and what the player experience is like. There are other similar posts on my blog here, but those are the ones that do the best job, I think.
Though, that's also outdated, my collection has grown significantly since I wrote those, and some ideas have changed (for instance I say in the post that my favorite is Aeon's End, but that's been outdone by Final Girl, which currently holds the crown in my collection). But those two posts are really just about showcasing mechanics.
The best way to get good suggestions, I think, is to learn about some different mechanics and game types that appear in this hobby, and determine which concepts you think might sound fun. And get a sense of just how much complexity you're after. And then go from there.
Otherwise me trying to seriously recommend stuff is like throwing darts. These games are costly, I dont want to recommend something you'd actually end up hating.
If you wanna know more or get more detailed ideas from me, feel free to just message me directly, so I'm not just clogging this thread with that (since this thread seems more meant to be about TTRPGs).
If you want to just watch some gameplay directly in videos that are well done and to the point, look up a Youtube channel called "One Stop Co-op Shop". That channel is one of the main ways I find out about new games I might want, and also how I determine if I think I'll actually like said game. Best to see it in action, after all, and they keep the pace quick while also explaining the rules super well.