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Did you have a best friend when you was in primary/elementary?


Former Co-Owner
V.I.P Member
Yes, I definitely had friends around that point, I even had a best friend and it turned out that he moved to Yorkshire which I was unhappy about and we both had alot in common and was very odd, even though I didn't have that many friends.

Things was never the same ever since then until I had a girl who then liked me for who I'am but we was pretty close too but it wasn't the same until when we was in secondary school to the point where we even developed into a relationship, I guess that's something positive in my life.:cute:
For me, I had three good friends in primary school. However, I never met them outside of school. I didn't know where they lived and didn't like to ask. I don't recall ever being invited to any social events outside of primary school with them. I presume they had different friends outside of school because I never heard them talk about meeting up outside of school.

That all changed though when we moved to the other side of town and my parents had arranged for me to finish the last two years at a different primary school. I wasn't made aware of this until the last moment and wasn't asked for my opinion on it. I would rather have not moved but I did meet other people in the new primary school. Still, we all went to a different high school and I lost contact with them.

I did meet one of them in Senior High as he was in my form class, but by this point he had already developed a new social circle and I felt like an outsider in a sense. I didn't make any attempt to become friends with him again or to fit into his new social circle. That's not to say that we disliked each other, I just got cut off since I moved primary schools and we went our separate ways since then that I didn't know how to be friends with him again (does that make sense?).
I did. Her name was Ruth Murry. She always told me what to do. But she always stuck up for me. I cannot for the life of me recall what happened to her. But it would seem that I never could find another friend like here since then. Wow. Where does the time go?
I had one friend from kindergarten to grade 3. She managed to be the smartest girl in class and popular with everyone. She was bossy and controlling but she was a great friend because she could explain the crazy playground dynamics that I didn't understand and made sure everyone treated me ok. At the end of grade 3 she switched to a gifted school and told me we couldn't be friends anymore. So then I just kind of shadowed everyone else and started spending more and more time by myself. In grade 5 or 6 (can't remember) I made friends with the girl everyone picked on and was more completely ignored by everyone else.
I had two friends at around primary school age. One has since died and I am in infrequent contact with the other.
I had two friends at around primary school age. One has since died and I am in infrequent contact with the other.

Sorry to hear about that katcha. I reminded me of what happened to some guy in school who died of an epileptic fit in his sleep which was worrying, we definitely paid respects.

R.i.P: Sam.
I had a best friend in Elementary School, named Chrissy. We would always hang out together, at recess and lunch, and we did stuff, on the weekends. We started to grow apart, in High School. I was maturing, and she was staying the same. She is now best friends, with a 60 year old woman, who is one of my best friends.
One of my friends I have been friends with sense I was in 3rd grade and she was in 4th grade. We have never went to the same school., but she did go to summer school one year and we were both there together, all tho not in the same class. I had a friend in 4th grade at my old school, but she moved and I never saw her again and she stopped calling so....
I think the first time I made "friends" at school was when I was about 6, there was a huge fig tree in the playground and the other kids pretended it was their "spaceship". I was asked to play the space monster, although they got pissed off with me regularly because I refused to die when they shot me.

I had friends throughout schools, usually other misfits, never more than 1 or 2 at a time. I was popular but not social for my last 2 or 3 years of high school, if that makes any sense. People liked me but I was socially excluded because I was weird.
I had friends throughout schools, usually other misfits, never more than 1 or 2 at a time. I was popular but not social for my last 2 or 3 years of high school, if that makes any sense. People liked me but I was socially excluded because I was weird.

Yeah, I was the same. I had a friend in primary school who is now quite popular and I would still talk to her, but sometimes I get the feeling her and her friends don't want me around.

I had another friend in primary school but she turned on me in Year 8 because she knew I was an easy target. As long as she was picking on me, nobody would pick on her. You wouldn't have seen her mouthing off to the hard girls who smoked in the toilets because she knew they would lamp her.
I had a few best friends over the years. In infant's school I made my first best friend, we used to go to eachother's houses but whenever one of us had to go home I used to throw mega-tantrums over it. She became popular in junior school though so we weren't friends, but she did stick up for me when I was being picked on. I used to play with the kids in my street, 2 of them were my best friends, even though I was clueless and said/did crazy things they stuck by me, we lost contact when I moved house though.
I had this best friend in elementary and I remember his name was Nathaniel.

We usually did everything together, and sometimes other kids were involved, but not much.

I remember specifically that when I was maybe 9 or something and it was recess, me and the kids in my class would play this made up game called "big puffy" which was conceived from this hideous puffy purple winter coat that my mother had bought me. When we would play outside, I was 'big puffy'. I'd pull in my arms from my sleeves, and swing my body in a way that would make the lifeless sleeves flap back and forth and I would chase the other kids while saying "big puffy!" in a deep voice. Kind of like a weird game of tag, except I was always it. Typically, there'd be a part of the game that involved trying to get 'big puffy' to die, and, like with 142857, they got a bit aggravated when I refused to die. :P

I never really had more than 1 or 2 good friends through elementary and middle school, though.
I have had a string of very intense friendships throughout my life. Unfortunately they never seem to last very long. The problem I have is that when I am away from people I forget they exist. I rarely think about someone who I don't see very often, occasionally the will pop into some memory, but it's only the past person I think about. And I have trouble connecting that to the person someone is now. I don't think of my nephews as adults who grew up from the babies I held. Rather they seem like a series of people who all have the same names, and somehow share a common history. When I haven't seen someone for a while I do not instantly put all the history and memories and emotions back together. It takes me a while to reconnect to them. One of my recent friends, has been away since November, I saw him Saturday, and I'm sure I came off kinda cold, and stiff and stand-off-ish. People are so warm and familiar acting right away, and it takes me a while to get back to how I felt about them before they were away from me. And I can't fake it, and it makes me uncomfortable and awkward, and I get very un-expressive. I am glad to see them, but I can't instantly pick up where we left off. Sometimes they take that wrong, and are hurt I think. When friends move away I can't really maintain a friendship, although we may still be acquaintances. I keep in touch with some of my childhood friends on FB but that's not real life.
During k-3 laura, brenda, and karen. During 4th to 6th grade laura Brenda(moved away during 3rd/4th grade), Julie karen and Yuko.
During k-3 david & phil 3rd-6th Brian lived next door, jeff, michael,and john, joshua
During 7-8th same as above.
During high school laura, cathy baker, karen,yuko,brian, john,jeff,julie, kevin and candice.
Jade our age,Annie older, Alley older were or are neighbors.
Hego Reid Primary school had 100-150 pupils form K-3rd grade.
Camino Grove Elementary School had pupils form K-6th grade.
Baldwin Stocker school had about 200 pupils from K-6th grade.
First Avenue/Dana Middle schools had a total of about 1300 pupils 6-8th grade.
Arcadia High School had about 3000-3400 pupils.
This means I did not really have that many friends.
I had some kind of friend, which I was around with a lot. I've known him since I was 4 years old. I did however switch from primary school for the last 2 grades, which was bullying related among other reasons. So I didn't have that much time as I did before. After primary, when we both went to seperate high schools, we spend a lot of spare time together playing videogames and doing all sorts of random other stuff.

and now for the longer version, to what went on after that;

He had a sister which was 4 years older than me, and when I was 18 (and she 22) we dated for about 8,5 years, so I was pretty much involved in their family life a lot. It was rather funny, as his sister wasn't really sure how she'd handle the situation and we kept it kinda secretive the first few months (even a year or so). She'd use excuses that she went to a friends place (60 miles up west) to spend the night over and all. I never really got disaproval from him when he found out. His sister was also the catalyst to get me into clubbing. She turned 20 and wanted to threw a party at some club and asked us (my friend and me) to join in on the fun as 16 year olds. So I had my first clubbing experiences with him.

After high school, me and my friend went to the same college for short amount of time, doing some kind of computer science thing (which was rather general back in 1999/2000). He finished it up, I didn't. So we kinda went seperate ways in terms of education and employment. I did speak to him on occaision cause I was stil dating his sister (from 2000 to 2009). For a short period he and his sister shared an appartment, so I went over and spoke to him more frequently, and at some point his sister wanted to move out, away from him, and he didn't want to live by himself (as well as not pay rent alone), so I almost ended up sharing an appartment with him.

But since I broke up with his sister, don't see him as often as I used to.I talk to him every now and then. Spoke to him 3 days ago actually, when we went out for a walk at night. But that's something that happens rarely.

Usually, I bump into him when I'm at some local hang-out/gamestore, where I sometimes play some cards (my friend and I started playing the Magic: the gathering cardgame about 13 years ago, and we both do sometime). That's when I bumped into him last time. I have his mailadress, so if I need something (or he for that matter) we'll mail each other, so it's not that we can't have contact, it's just that we both don't really have the urge to talk each other that frequent.
I had a couple of friends in kindergarten. By second grade, I pretty much only had one friend, named Sam. She was my best friend until 6th grade. Through her, I had made another good friend in 4th grade. I was the only one who didn't have other friends outside of our circle of three.
This is a hard one. I went to a private school so my best friends were actually my across the street neighbors. In fact the older of the two girls was my best friend until she went to collage and found someone else who was more important than me. She stopped hanging out with me and stopped talking to me. I never really had a best friend but her until I went to school and meet my best friend who was killed in 2007. I then had friend I thought was my best friend after that but she has stopped being my friend due to the fact that she is not a nice person. So yes. in answer to the question.
I had a best friend who lived across the street from me until grade 3. Then she moved away. I then had two friends until grade 8, although our relationship was not one of equals. I could never handle more than 3 friends at a time, and they were always a bit odd like me. If our relationship got strained for any reason, that was typically the end. Sometimes friendships become too much work and are toxic. That was the case in high school. I've had one friend my whole life, and although she moved away I trust her the most and confide in her easily. We always have fun when we see each other, although it is no more than once a year.

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