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  • I’ve thought this many times, but never stated it, so finally I will…

    I appreciate your presence here on the forum. :hibiscus:
    Hello Mary! Do you have donkeys too? Just reading below...
    Mary Terry
    So funny! That donkey loved the trumpet and there's nothing cruel about it. I can do a fair imitation of their hee-hawing, and that's how I call them to come to the barn. They bray back at me.

    Yep, Festus is named for the old guy on the Gunsmoke tv show who rode a mule. When our kids were little, they rode Festus bareback like a horse. He was and still is the gentlest donkey I've known.
    Ah, Festus! Did you get autocorrected there? I thought I'd heard everything when I read your donkey was called Fetus above. Hahaha. :)
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Sorta my experience with Pack Goats, American-French Alpine wethers. They are curious about any noise. I was using them in a cross country trip in the Escalante Wilderness. One evening I was setting up the tent and the first thing I did was shake out the ground cloth, making snapping noises. Suddenly I was surrounded by our group's goats.
    Do you have any photos of your donkeys that you could post?
    Mary Terry
    I'm sure I do but I don't know how to do it. I'll ask the grandkids to help me do it.
    Hello and welcome! Thank you for your posts, we hope you like this place and keep up the work. Congratulate Maja Toudal, see her facebook and a thread in General Autism discussion called TheAnMish... Keep swimming and again welcome!
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