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  • "What month is it today?" -Sister 2017
    Same! wrist watch helps little I fall into whatever I am doing and forget to eat...and get scolded and stuff. I can go almost all day on thing I am doing without noticing the rest of the world.
    I get scolded for not eating from my mom, I forget to eat too. As a matter of fact I should probably eat something right now I haven't eaten yet haha.
    :P yes!....I am eating my lunch late right now my self!
    i wonder if the movie (film)and tv crews bump into each other as everything is created at the Canadian film park in British Columbia
    i have a feeling my mother was neurodiverse
    maybe aspie definitely no diagnosis in the UK then strange as lorna wing who instigated diagnosing Aspergers syndrome now called mild high functioning autism in the UK is the same age as my mother would have been
    is your imaginary house like a cottage in the cotswolds or is it like Edward and bellas home in the twilight saga breaking dawn novel
    I'd say more like cotswolds cottage. Those are sure nice I've never seen those before.
    trying to get an image...
    Tiny pic site sucks oh well. Mainly inspired by that but I drew it slightly different.
    A small fairy-tale styled home on property sounds nice, already drew the outside :3
    My mom looks young too everyone at her work calls her sweetie and stuff, while she's actually older than all of them. Sometimes I wonder if she's aspie.
    go to the English heritage website ,they deal with restoration of old buildings in England and decide whether someone can alter a very old house
    Thanks! I could also take advantage of my scenery here in Oregon, same filming location for Twilight! Lush and green.
    happy happy 19th birthday
    Thank you very much streetwise! I didn't comprehend I was 18 now I'll be 20 next year!!! Good thing I don't look my age, people will have wrong expectations.
    this is nice 8398 i like when you comment on my pictures and pictures make a good conversation too :)
    Salem area. Yeah when you come back you can tell me about it.
    Gary DuBois
    Gary DuBois
    how do you like living in the salem area of oregon ? when i come back we can have fun talking and ill tell you all about my sunny skys volunteer day :)
    It's very cloudy. My mom doesn't like it here but I appreciate the natural forests.
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