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  • I'm from Michigan...I appreciate your avatar. The Detroit Tigers Old English D. <3
    Where is our favorite Aspie? And how is he doing? Hmmm....time to send out a search party... :-)
    Yeah, I enjoy the fox song, maybe a little less now than when it first came out. One reason I still like it is because if you ask my adorable little nephew what the fox says, he'll say "Ning ning ning ning ning!"
    Hey you can click on below my avatar picture of Facebook icon and YouTube page. Both pages are just started. I also have a blog - see here: Mathew Townsend - The Greens

    There will be more posts and news coming within a couple of days.
    I am enjoying writing them. I always find it fun. Plus reading is great too. Ohh a bedtime story? Ummm I don't know my stuff tends to be a bit graphic in nature.

    Well hugs to you too.
    Ummm not about Ally specifically. I have been working on the one that involves Jasper her lover which I have finished. But Am working on the big over arching story again.
    Hi, Geordie.

    Not sure whether or not you celebrate Christmas. But Merry (belated) Christmas:

    Thought you'd have forgotten about me by now. :P

    Hope you're well.
    Giggles the plan is for more more more. Thank you. I wanna get these two twin fairies for my seeing eye faires for Ally named Willow and Wisp. I hope to do that in January or February.
    Keep in mind the greenhouse gas accounting work. I'm sure the skills would transfer across, and I think it would be a lot more diverse in what you do... It just depends on whether the world continues persuing the topic...
    Well done on getting two modules finished!
    How's your studies going? Have you finished up? Does Singapore recognise Christmas? Sorry, lots of questions : )
    Geordie, sure, only you can know what is good for you but as you asked me I told you that I would never willingly allow anybody to go through what I did.
    If you genuinely are contemplating this thing then I can only suggest that you speak to a professional about your social phobia and ways to deal with and overcome it.

    I can say nothing good about that time in my life ; ]
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