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  • I caught another cat. My cat doesn't like him yet but he's a baby and she's already grown big. Cute lil tabbies both of them-- I am having him neutered soon and if they get along, he MAYBE can stay.
    Flo is a full size Manx and very very much a solipsist. She would prefer to be the only cat. She looks out of the window all day, thinking and observing, and is cuddly when I come home from work but otherwise disappears on cat business.

    We can see what happens but either way I need to work on bonding time with Flo as she probably feels very upset.
    This was mostly a way to take that tomcat out of circulation, as the last thing we need outside is More Cats. Soon as I can get him to a vet, adios, cat nuts!
    If it wasn't so inhumane, I'd kinda just like to let the cat population grow so they can evolve into the cats from Red Dwarf 😸
    Still bad at paperwork but mail call today had a letter from a friend and my voter registration card, so I must be doing alright. Time to fire up the old typewriter and answer the letter he sent.
    I love my cat. She's chilling out on the bed right now purring and being friendly. Not sure why more people don't have them? They make for rather interesting and quiet pets.
    Pulling an all nighter cleaning up and trying to take care of myself. I neglect myself to probably a criminal level. CHANGING that is a DIY proposition as no one comes to fix a problem that's in one's own hands.
    After an awkward encounter tonight I have decided to go ahead and purchase a .38 handgun.
    I live in the South and a lot of people are pretty worried about something lately. Today on the road I almost got sideswiped in the car by a young fellow who was literally driving with his mom in the passengers seat, but seemed very upset or worried (perhaps because I was not moving over the speed limit? Cry about it, twit, the car is old.) Folks aren't doing well here y'all!
    I have been carrying a Sanrenmu 710 knife, the generic version of the Spyderco Tenacious, since 2011. I bought it due to increased crime during the Great Recession.
    @jsilver256 my grandfather told me a story about jungle fighting in Burma, first time he got into a firefight the gun recoiled so badly he shot into the tree canopy lol
    Drinking coffee and slowly rehabbing a broken watch. How's your Saturday going?
    Another example is John McCormack, Irish tenor, whose records are still considered quite good today. Or Chauncey Olcott who wrote "My Wild Irish Rose" (I have the 1913 Columbia recording Olcott made) and it's got that same basic style, but each singer (especially tenors!) put a special touch on it.
    Baritone singers were able to just pretty much do the same stuff they always did but tenors had to adapt to the phonograph. Sopranos had a very rough time of it which is why female singers are sadly underrepresented on disc and cylinder.

    Dalhart is pretty good for an introduction to early country music. Ives isn't bad (I have one of him singing "The Foggy Dew") but "The Prisoner's Song" is a Dalhart vehicle.
    @Gerontius I don't think I have time for that, this is a small project I do just for myself, it's also calming to draw and color them.
    Today I went out and got a decent haircut and it turns out the barber was autistic too which was pretty cool. And I no longer look like a bipedal poodle dog which is nice.
    Filled the entire living room floor with household items to sell. I'm having a hard time uncluttering but it's getting better. Right now though I'd like an ice cold beer or something.
    Well I've gone and finally bought an electric phonograph. Ms. G likes modern music so we needed something that'll play LPs, and I still like my 78rpm collection, and we both like FM radio. So I got us a 1948 Bendix radio with an automatic changer.
    It doesn't work but I can't take care of that--amplifier hums badly so I'm going to replace the capacitors and look into putting an inexpensive jukebox cartridge on there instead of the old Rochelle salt type. I still prefer my 1928 Brunswick as the ultimate compromise between smooth sound and reliability but the Bendix does offer good value as a record player we can both enjoy and don't have to wind up.
    Yesterday at the thrift store I ended up with an old typewriter from 1950 for free because the clerk said it was too broken. It needs a main spring but should be all right apart from that. It's the model I used as a kid but without the rust and mouse nests.
    Seriously my first one had a platen made out of bicycle tire and a shoelace for a drawband, corrosion eating the diecast frame and rust quietly wrecking the inside. This one's in far better shape and should actually function nicely if I fix the spring.
    I have my dad's 1965 Royal Futura. He used to lug it all over Sacramento State University when he attended 1965-68. How I don't know. It works well but the typeface looks really weird.
    My cat is taking her toy catnip mice and tucking them in to her basket under the gramophone.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    My cats put things under the rugs. Once I left my new hearing aids on my nightstand and in the morning they were gone. The cats got at them and we found one under a rug in our bedroom and the other under the living room rug.
    Today at a cafe someone drew a sketch of me working which was both kind of odd and kind of funny. Guy's name is Austin & he is a hospital orderly as well as an author & artist.
    Sorry I don't get to catch up with everyone on here much anymore! You all still are cool. I'm just swamped.? Love y'all
    Mr. Stevens
    Mr. Stevens
    I hope you're doing well, Gerontius. I sometimes think of your bike riding and typewriters.
    Living life to your best. What's not to like. My guy is moving in one month, just daily things will cut my time here too.
    My cat is meowing at outdoor cats she can see through the windows. Last time she escaped and joined them she came back home disgusting and covered in fleas. Not this time.
    I feel like I have to say this, she's not supposed to have a long tail because she's a Manx cat and happens to have the characteristic bunny tail that is common for the breed. Some are longies but she's more of a rumpie/stubbie Manx
    If she can't have beans & rice, I hope
    she gets a little sweet potato or squash.
    I'm a total pushover when it comes to my cat! If I'm eating something that I know is safe for him to eat, he always gets a little bite :)
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