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NoKipAr on the run

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  • what to do, what to do, I'm going to bed soon, and I want to start a webcomic that isnt on Comic Fury, DA or whatever. I'm thinkin Harry Potter, but I have no idea as to how to make it better than "it's Harry Potter BUT NOT" I want to make it "Magic Marines". but the idea is too complex. the feeling isn't there. either I have to throw it out, or...do random adventures
    Let's all stop Worrying about the Apocalypse for once. Y2K? 2012? BAH! child's play!
    next it'll be something like 91919101 and we'll be on Dune fighting Klingons and Borgs!
    Misty Avich
    Misty Avich
    Y2K did happen, because ever since then computers have taken over our lives, enforced upon us by shutting stores and banks one by one.
    NoKipAr on the run
    NoKipAr on the run
    oh, but not like The Simpsons perceived it that we had to rush into the sun with outdated celebs! I have had to put up with COVID, Inflation, AI, Tik Tok, Gen Alpha, and now A GOD DAMN SOLAR ECLIPSE. seriously. enough is enough. for once I want to relax. and now where did I put my Soylent Green?
    NoKipAr on the run
    NoKipAr on the run
    btw I wanted to say more but I wasn't allowed to use anymore than 420 characters :(
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