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  • VIP Memberships: How long does it take to process the upgrade once it's been paid for? Two members have PMd me that they've been waiting for over 2 weeks.
    did you even consider that i upgraded to avoid adverts not because i definitely think the cost is not worth $10 You play little to no part in this site regarding discussions
    Stop spamming me daily with premium upgrade notices. I have no interest in upgrading.
    I'm not sure what the big deal is with upgrading. I would think that Whipp Media's bills would be easier to pay with a steady stream of ad $$ instead of the $10 one time upgrade fee.
    Agree there. Advertising brings in much more.
    One person I have worked with was able to reduce his seizure medications after his doctor saw that his meds weren't benefiting his seizures, based on the charts I had made. Would it be possible for me to post a short ad about this on one of the forums or elsewhere on this site? Many thanks! (Sorry to have to split this over two posts!)
    Chameleon In Recovery
    Chameleon In Recovery
    Too bad @KailaW didn’t stay on this forum much longer after this inquiry .. I would have loved to see this chart !
    Hello Brent, thanks for running a great site! I would like to spread the word about a new service I am offering and am wondering if I could post that somewhere on the forums here. I can help people create graphs and charts of their medical and behavior data to keep track of changes over time, and to show their doctors or other support specialists the correlations between treatments and outcomes.
    Hi. I'm trying to figure out how to send you a pm with a question I want to ask about the forums... I don't want it to be public.
    Hi, simple click on Inbox in the top right and start a new conversation.
    Paid special offer, $15.00, for upgrade via PayPal, March 7, got confirmation email from PayPal same day. So far, no upgrade. I can send you the confirmation email if you want proof. Used the Contact Us link, and included the confirmation email, on the 9th. Haven't heard back.
    I went ahead and granted this member a VIP status.
    If there is an issue with it Brent,contact me and I will pay for it myself.
    Nitro, much thanks. If it will help, I will send you the PayPal email in a conversation. Or Brent. Too long to put it here.
    HI Brent, I launched a dating and social media site for adults who have Autism and Asperger's called Uneepi. We also offer coaching to help those who need help with dating or just social interacting. I was wondering if it's possible for me to post an ad on the forum? I read the guidelines and saw I would need permission. Thanks!
    Hi, just been checking my profile info and noticed my birthdate is wrong. Somehow it's got me as January, it's actually August. Is it possible to change this?
    i have a question where should my tv volume be at and then im running my tv volume through my bluetooth stereo dual speakers so then where should the bluetooth volume be at ?
    Someone just site hacked me through AC said a site board upgrade and locked me down...I had to exit to get functional again
    That was not a hack. We just upgraded our forum software which requires us to briefly close the forum.
    Okay sorry for bothering you, I have Troll fans on me...I got hit with a weird High level scan hack on AC a week or so ago
    After several months I am still UNABLE TO UPLOAD IMAGES. Nothing has been done to change this, despite assurances from you. What hoops do I have to jump through to post a picture?
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