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  • I’m on dating apps for the first time in my life. Such an odd experience.
    Good luck. Stay safe. I met a super cool guy on one. But then it was all married men after that where l live. So no more. :)
    I am deeply in love with an Autistic woman and we have dated for 8 months..2 weeks ago I discovered she cheated on me with another man and she wants to go with the man but she said she's still in love with me ..I tried all to hold her back and she called the cops for my arrest of not letting her go
    Is it possible for her to come back to me ? The other guy didn't even want anything serious with her ..I am confused.
    @jayden - you can start a thread on this. This is @Bolletje personal profile so it's about them. :)
    Current cycle: pack, panic, cry, dance, hug cat or person, repeat. Have to fit snacks into that schedule.
    I’m packing up my belongings to prepare for moving to my new home. Packing up involves a lot more crying than I remember.
    That's so exciting, but I understand that it's overwhelming and scary too. I'm here if you need me.
    Hope it all is for the better...
    I’m starting to feel scared to read topics here because it feels like toxicity and hostility lurk around every corner. I miss my safe space here. :(
    Same. I don’t really feel like posting in threads anymore other than off topic ones. I miss how it was when I first joined here, the sense of community and safety is almost completely gone :(
    This worries me
    It's changed, we had great discussions before, things may get heated, but then it felt we moved on.
    The world feels like such a hostile place some days, I'm scared and worried about where we, as a society, are going.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    Sometimes it's hard to find people who actually like other people among the sea of hate. I wish people didn't hate others over things they can't control.
    Agreed. The amount of people who hate on every single difference is really annoying
    My phone number has been spoofed. Now I’m getting several unexpected phone calls a day, from people I don’t know, who think I called them. It’s a nightmare on several levels xD
    I sometimes wonder if that's what the scammers/spammers have done to me on occasion. Sadly I estimate about 98% of my incoming calls are with malicious intent primarily for monetary gain. But because none of them can ever reach me I suspect in exasperation they may also do this sort of thing as well.
    @VictorR I’ve changed my voicemail message now to inform anyone calling me that I did not in fact call them. And now we wait ;)
    Move to Florida, it's where the scammers go for their training. Lol
    My brain does not want to slow down tonight. Every time I make an attempt to go to sleep, it decides I need to hear music. Very hyper music. Brain is feeling wild!
    Omg that happens to me so often too. I hope you can get some sleep soon!
    I’m feeling good about myself today! I had a few days of uneasily staring at myself in the mirror after being attacked in the street, but today I can look in the mirror and feel good about the way I look and the person I am. I am grateful for that, but I hope I’ll never forget how incredibly hard I’ve worked to get to this point and how far I’ve come.
    Hurray hurrah! This is happy news. Hope you have enjoyed this positive day.
    Technology seems to be conspiring against me today and it’s taking all my willpower to not have a screaming meltdown and throw things around.
    I’m sorry this is happening :( Sometimes I want to throw my TV out the window or smash it with a baseball bat. So I can definitely relate!
    I hope it gets fixed soon.
    Indeed, it can often try our patience to no end!
    I had an intense crying session on the floor instead, which was cathartic, and then I fixed the problem.
    I just stopped traffic to prevent a wounded duck that was trying to cross the road from getting run over.
    A guy on a motorcycle skidded and fell when he swerved to avoid the duck. I helped him up, asked him if he was fine to continue and let him limp off with his bike, while I focused on the duck. Some doctor I am :oops:
    The duck has been taken to a bird hospital, I hope she will be alright :(
    Yesterday when I came home from work, a kids hat blew away on the cross walk. A guy in a truck got out real quick and ran to get the hat. He gave it to the kid and got back in his truck before the light changed. I thought that was amazing and hearing you talk about your story made me remember that. Thank you for your help and kindness. We need more of it.
    Roads are trouble for all living creatures!
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I absolutely hate roads, driving and cars for this reason. Far too dangerous. I will never drive a car as long as I live.
    I feel overwhelmed.
    My house is full of chores waiting to be done.
    I am making lists of manageable tasks and I try to pace myself, but everywhere I look, there’s a Thing. The number of Things is dwindling, but they are plentiful.
    The fact that a lot of stuff is just standing around here, waiting to be picked up by my ex (who is in rehab for three more weeks) is not helping.
    I've picked up writing again. I find it to be incredibly therapeutic at the moment.
    Back home from holiday! Hoping my mental health status will return to “stable and healthy” now.
    most people would agree, but vice versa.

    in english everything sounds cooler. in german it´s just "umgekehrt", but "vice versa" sounds really cool.

    someone: how much do you want to annoy people with the fact that your origin is german?
    shaddock: yes

    in my country I´m common, but in the forum I feel special lol
    @Shaddock German is such a poetic language though. Although I’m not supposed to say that, as a Dutch person.
    Getting the burst pipe fixed is creating anxiety issues for me. So glad when over.
    That would definitely trigger it for me too. Hope it’s fixed soon!
    Alright. Now l can use my water and take a shower. Yay. Lol Been living out of water one gallon bottles. Very stressful.
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