Born in '62.
Self diagnosed as a total aphantasaic in late '21 which kicked the whole thing off.
- Total lack of internal visualisation for all the senses.
Listed as Functional Autistic simply due to self diagnostics placing me well in the spectrum symptomatically speaking, after reading of links between aphantasia and autism, and trying self tests out of curiosity (had not self-flagged as being ASD up to that point). Plus, observations from other autistics, and finding common factors in symptoms, if not cause.
I'm also noticing, being deliberately unused to social media in general, I've found my style, or mode of writing is not going across as intended sometimes, so there may have been a 'few' miscommunications almost certainly of my (unknowing) fault. So while you'd have to take this with your own opinion of my integrity and honesty - I always try hard never to be needlessly rude, or aggressive, and try to criticise words and actions, not people. If I seem to have failed to do so, I'd like to think that's more to do with my clumsy way of communicating with people, rather than any conscious intent (and I hope, unconscious too!).
But in the end, I'd rather be called out on something (in a positive way hopefully), and at least have the chance to apologise and learn, if I've made a mistake.
I've found a new Internet game! It's called Autistic Bingo.
My score card so far (in no particular order):

ASD (don't need to spell that one out, do I?


Prosopagnosia - 'face blindness' (not uncommon I believe?).

Alexithymia - emotional blindness (also not uncommon?), seems to cover more than just emotions though, other sensations appear to be affected. Probably a dose of Male Normative Alexithymia too.

APD (Auditory Processing Disorder) - Auditory dyslexia — also called dysphonetic dyslexia or phonological dyslexia ("sorry, what was that you said? No, didn't quite catch that...? Can you repea..." <and so on>). Pre-ASD diagnosis I named it (to myself) "aural dyslexia". Interesting I never tried to look it up back then; more denial?

Aphantasia - lack of internal visual imagery (sometimes known as Dysikonesia when effecting all the senses), at the furthest end of
that spectrum (not so common).

SDAM - Severely deficient autobiographical memory (linked to the aphantasia, so probably less common too).
Don't know how many more I'll find, seems to be getting harder now!

Oh! A possible new one...

Anomic Aphasia - or word retrieval,, ..., ... ..... dysfunction!
Oh, hang about! Here's a new one - ARFID - Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder! Fun for all the family.