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  • Hi, Awful People checking in. I don't leak DMs but I do cite public posts. On behalf of Catholics I am so sorry, we aren't all like this. Same goes for Autistic people. We aren't all this way.
    Negative cultural perception of religion is most strongly driven by the attitudes and reactions of the angrily religious devotees.
    The whole culture war nonsense can be resolved as simply as humbly acknowledging that the majority of Christian people are damned poor advertising for their faith.
    Raise your hand if you hate the question, "Where are you from?"
    I respond by saying I am from Hell and I have come to collect your soul. That shuts them up very quickly. :)
    I get it all the time. I always say I'm from here, born and raised. They say, of course but where do you/family originally come from? (Thanks for reminding me that because I'm not white/black that I must hail from somewhere else) :rolleyes:.
    Do you have any finished novels?
    Could i read something you have written?
    I think I can arrange to send you something! Be warned, I'm an amateur who probably should not be let near a pen without supervision.
    You could direct message me a link to a pdf file if you have that.
    I think my father is trying to intimidate me. News for him; high school was over years ago. I've been making efforts to improve this & he mistakes them for a problem--Not sure a decent relationship with the old duffer is in the cards.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    I can somewhat relate to that. My experience is that freedom is got by using it. So any action that clearly show that you are the one who control your life should make him understand that he no longer can control it.
    Holy crap, there are other Maddogs are there O_O
    Not really. I'm not schizophrenic and none of us smoke weed, we're just chronically bad at communicating!
    I'm starting to feel like I should beat executive dysfunction. Hopefully that is actually possible
    On the television at a store today the Fox commenters were hollering about the mentally ill & violent crime. I worry sometimes that autistic people are going to be seen as automatic perpetrators. Guilty before proven innocent, and all that rot.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    That could happen with psycopaths, there is actually correlation with them.

    Also with ADHD people, there is also correlation with them.

    Also with men in woman abuse, strong correlation.

    But autistics are mostly victims.
    Yes. However, I suspect "mentally ill" is becoming a category of Other, or at least it seems that way-- I've seen people yelling that liberalism is a mental illness--what they present as an op-ed today might be the stochastic terrorism of tomorrow.
    I need to get a day a week for career work--This job I have is ruining my time to prep for a career.
    I've gained 13 pounds--my trousers still fit; it's all muscles. I feel great!
    That is bloody awesome!
    Thanks, I think it is because of my job being more physical--was not expecting decent results.
    If you're sleeping & dream about a clock--that's probably not Greenwich standard time you're seeing. You will be late!
    Woke up at 4:30, then fell asleep. Woke up again at 7:00, figured well, I can close my eyes a bit, and fell asleep at 7:30. Next thing I know I was up & around & the clock read 7:30--realized I was dreaming because it was already 7:30 and I know that clock keeps time.
    I'm 8 hours behind so if it's GST we have a problem! :)
    I'm maybe not doing great but I think I might have saved my relationship with a nice young lady so that's positive.
    For a while it seemed to be slipping away?
    But ok enough now...
    Well, I had 3 days of depression hit and had got to that point where I could have started pushing my friends away.
    Somehow things worked a lot better. We opened lines of communication and I was able to start working with clearing my head again.
    This put me in good condition to be receptive to her interest. Depression renders me incapable of keeping up in that regard.
    Found a free typewriter today in the scrap pile--and it prints in cursive!
    @All-Rounder well, I really don't necessarily want people to know much about me anyway. I like anonymity & yeah that's basically it.
    Typewriter still doesn't work; I have a lot of disassembling & un-jamming to do. It might not run any time soon. Hey, it may never run.
    Good luck with the hard work, hope it ends up functional. Sounds like a fun machine.
    Hey, curiosity killed the cat, but in such a case that cat could be the other person, heh. That's why I don't like to ask specifics.
    This has been the first year in years where I do not think about shooting myself. It's consistent.
    I agree. We all appreciate your input here at this forum. These last couple of years have been a tough ride.
    Glad you haven’t done it. Seriously. Glad we met.

    I actually think way less people know what their dreams are than it seems. All the people I met in college who didn’t know what to do with their life…and even the ones who have some sort of an idea change it in school or amidst their career. Me being one, I guess.

    My suggestion that might not really work? Keep looking and trying new things.
    Well, it's just a lot of getting used to, actually enjoying the everyday experience of A Good Day. That wasn't happening, for awhile. It was all better describable as anhedonia. Now that I've been less depressed since January--as in, no more depression whatsoever--I have to say that I am a lot happier, but I have to figure out how to make plans and keep on moving. So far so good! but it's still a wild trip.
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