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  • Sometimes I kind of wish I had gotten into building model railroads. Those always seemed cool.
    I used to do that when I was younger but trains (real or miniature) take up a lot of real estate. So I think if I do this, I should probably start scratchbuilding instead of collecting ready-to-run kits.
    I like crafts and building things in general.
    We were both Catholics, both more left-wing, both ASD-1 type autistic, and both English majors and literature nerds--anyway we're three dates into this as of last week-end and she and I are showing no signs of slowing down.
    The forum could stand to have a functional block button. Unfollow doesn't help with privacy.
    I don't mean that. I mean to keep people I distrust from seeing anything I post, hence what I said about privacy.
    Orange Glasses
    Orange Glasses
    I think if this forum had that capability, the forum pages would look like Swiss cheese. Holes everywhere.
    That would actually be ok, in my opinion. I had the good fortune to irritate one of them this morning, so hurrah for not having to deal with the Creep
    I'm happy. Life is good. It could be better, but it's good, so I like that.
    Not really anything to say here, other than I think everything is going all right. I don't have as much to say as I did, because I don't want to bother anyone & I also want some privacy. But it's going OK and I think I'll graduate college soon.
    We are having mad-dogs-and-Englishmen weather here. My apologies to Noel Coward. It's too damn hot at midday!
    I saw this and thought of you...
    Glad you liked it!
    I did not realize that people could put images on profile posts though. The picture I've seen about a million times before elsewhere, but the profile post w images must be something new from the forum software update. Kind of neat.
    I see it as a useful way of mischief :innocent:. It would be hilarious if you were at a car show and did that with a typewriter. You could tell the kids that if a single mistake was made you have to change the settings spool (point to something that could be it)... there's a whole lot of mischief to be had with this idea!
    I forgot how much I enjoy working with linseed oil as a wood finish.
    Linseed oil is also in oil paint and can be used as an oil painting medium. Go linseed oil!
    Oh cool, you use it too!
    I love natural materials for stuff. Your art is painting. My art is antiques restoration. Either way, it's just more fun when you use the good natural compounds for the job--and an oil that turns into plastic as it dries? It's neat.
    The people at my college might have the I.Q. of a turnip dropped on its head in its infancy.
    Individually? Or collectively?
    @tree there are mostly individuals. I don't know, but I think the tiny, largely conservative colleges are kind of odd sometimes. They build a strange culture.
    I figure that all I want to be, is left alone.
    Silent Hill clannish feeling. Boy, l get that. Some small towns were great in Minnesota. Others were weird, teenagers disappeared just walking home.
    Happy Independence Day to other Americans out there-- and for whoever else wants to celebrate.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Happy Independence Day Americans, watch out for falling fireworks.
    Happy Independence Day. Be gentle. Sensitive wolf ears here. Lol.
    @Wolfy Smurf I agree on the noise; I've also seen far too many acres of wildland set on fire by fireworks. Thankfully, it's raining tremendously outside! No fireworks here.
    Blacksmithing is not anything I'm good at, so I asked my brother to show me some basic forging. It's fun. Kind of like a cookout, but metal
    If I had a shop like @Nitro I would be hard to pull away from the machinery. But all I needed was a small part for a repair, so I made the part--and watched my brother make some other stuff. Ran the belt-sander for a while, and used a torch to do the fitting of the new part. I liked it.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Good blacksmiths earn good money these days I think, it's a very useful skill.
    @Forest Cat this was a piece I needed for an antique 10 gauge shotgun from 1882. No parts are available secondhand--everything must be custom built and fitted. I am not good enough to get paid as a smith, but it sure saved me from having to find another smith & pay him!
    Don't let the door hit you where the Lord split you--
    Not a real efficient method, carbon paper...for Butt Copies.
    Mimeograph...IDK how that wd work...
    Plaster cast, though.
    Could do that and then have a mold for producing replicas...
    Lot of effort, compared with xeroxing....
    Mimeograph? Oh no. Too many rollers and pinch points. The plaster cast has the added effect of being three-dimensional. Faux marble work was once a very popular way to decorate plasterwork--and the resulting copies are going to be 1:1 scale doorstops for the committed crack copier.
    There's a youtube video (security camera) of some big guy making sure the coast is clear and then sitting up on the copier to shoot the moon, and then breaking thru the glass or whatever it is. :D
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