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  • oregano
    In Sacramento there are burrowing owls. They are really cute and have bright yellow eyes. They live in abandoned burrows dug by other animals in the levees. During the recession they set up homes in the drainage systems of abandoned residential subdivisions. I saw pix of them peeking out from the gutter grilles.
    @oregano I have never seen a burrowing owl in person, but the photos I've seen are adorable. We have screech owls in the south as our resident Cute Owls, as they are smaller than barred owls or great horned owls. They make a high shuddering wail for their call, live in hollows of trees, and are about the size of a Valencia orange.
    Busy day today but I think it was a good one. I'm glad work is still going alright. Tired, and have to prep for travel last-minute, but am going to study and eat first and the rest will come as it may.
    Got bored this evening. Did you know a Singer sewing-machine can stitch a hem into a folded piece of beverage can? Neither did I, but it did all right.
    Some days I think I have the nicest girl friend in the whole world, but only days ending in -Y, and when I'm breathing.
    Oh she definitely is marriage material @Yeshuasdaughter. The ins and outs of Catholicism are awful complex because we have had twenty centuries to make things complicated. Add to that our celibate priesthood, which ended up self-selecting a higher percentage of gay, bi, and ace men to be our clerics and theologians, and you get almost a comic-opera level of rulemaking.
    She is awfully nice!
    Catholic rules on marriage are notoriously picky (no divorce, no birth control, some areas expect a certain duration for engagement, must be two witnesses other than the minister) but it's actually kind of romantic in that it's the only sacrament where the recipients actually are the ministers. The priest just is a witness. The man and woman are the ones who really officiate their own weddings.
    I don't know. Maybe it was going to IKEA that did it. But I have a craving to replace my Toyota with an early Volvo 240.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I would also recommend the old 1960s/1970s Volvo Amazon. Those are cool. They even come as station wagons.

    @Forest Cat we don't find those in the United States very often, but they are pretty neat looking. @maycontainthunder as far as rust goes, thankfully I live in the deep South so we don't salt the roads here and old cars do last a long time! Head gaskets are easier on a 4cyl inline than on a car like my brother's V6 Buick.
    There was a period in the late 70s-early 80s when Volvo implemented a new system of assembling cars that focused on teams rather than a traditional assembly line. The Volvos built during that period tended to run forever. Sadly Volvo had to abandon the system because it was too expensive. You might look for a Volvo from that era.
    Apparently I'm absolutely crushing it at work. I've applied Gilbreth motion studies to improve my speed at assembling vehicle parts...
    Funny thing is the pallets I'm supposedly filling come out with layers and layers of parts. Basically I am doing the work of two men because I decided to experiment with a 1911 ergonomics concept.
    And people think factory work is "mindless." Bull crap. I get to build things and plan on the rest of my day, not talk to people, and play with power tools. Not bad!
    Hurricane coming, got to make sure I have everything squared away. Should be a lot of rain but otherwise no worries.
    I should have gotten some kerosene for the lamps but instead I can use the battery headlight from the bicycle...water should be ok and I still have a gas stove so I ought to be fine.
    The plan is to catch up on some housekeeping this afternoon and see about papers for college.
    Cooking dinner, sewing napkins, preparing for guests and building an absolutely terrifying electric experiment in the living room. This is the life for me.
    Driving today the brakes failed on my car. Two hours later and I had a temporary fix enough to get home on. I think tomorrow is the day I buy a caliper rebuild kit.
    That's why manual transmission vehicles are amazing, if I ever get a new vehicle it'll be a stick, screw automatics lol
    I was driving an automatic but it's a very old one where 2nd and low gear are still on the selector. Just got to know how to make it do its thing.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    I hope you're alright.
    Worked a full shift. Spent a few hours in the barn and rode. Now at church. It's a good day!
    Cooking up a few hands on projects and planning on getting college finished finally. My life is not so bad really. It really isn't.
    Entertaining guests today. Cooked a pot of beans and ham, will throw some cornbread and coffee on after church, digging out a nice playlist for the windup victrola. If that doesn't suit them, I don't know what will.
    It went well. Cornbread came off the fire superb. Beans were filling and savory. Guest threw himself at the pump organ and started playing professional jazz music. The record collection was a hit, and everything was pretty good. I actually feel recharged afterwards, which is wild for having just had people over. Now to wash a few dishes.
    I have guests coming over next week and am pretty excited! My buddy from the Phonograph Society is visiting and so is his friend from work.
    Waking up -- first the alarm starts to beep and then all the clocks in the house start to strike, one after another, 5 AM. I like waking up to a special interest.
    (have been into clocks since I was a toddler. The Sessions "Halifax" banjo clock in the living room has a bim-bam strike on two chime rods, the Sessions and Seth Thomas mantel clocks use a coil gong. Beautiful sounds to wake up to.
    Unfortunately mechanical clocks are too much for me, I simply can't stand the ticking noise they make. I love clocks too, but all the clocks I have are electric or electronic because the ticking of mechanical clocks drives me bonkers. I have my grandfather's old mantel clock but am too scared of the noise to have it fixed.
    Old clocks are so wonderful too, I have had to pass on several opportunities to buy a real Victorian clock over the years because of the noise. It really saddens me.
    Saw a crop duster biplane flying today, still carrying the spray rig and a large radial engine. Sounded great!
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