Hello people, I am one of you! I am autistic, and I camoflage in public. I LOVE dragons, foxes/kitsunes, cartoons, plants, rain, eating cheese, video games, and anything really within those lines(I don't know too much about anime, sorry). I am a straight female looking for love in life(But I'm unsuccessful, and very self-doubtful) everyone rambles on about how I am too young or how I'll find someone 'someday'. I have a very vivid imagination and can think outside the box.
- Birthday
Aug 7, 2003
(Age: 21)
- Location
Cheese state USA
- Diagnosis Status
- Aspergers Syndrome - Officially Diagnosed
- Gender
- Female
- Enable Politics Forum
- Enable
- Occupation
- chore-doer
-your friend, Kitsnow, the 3-tailed vixen of glimmering aqua-silver radiance...
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