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Love- My faith, family, close friends, animals, nature, books, music, solitary sports,speed walking,running.
Favorite music groups/artists: Efissio Cross, Audiomachine, Nara,Enya,Loreena Mckenitt, Stamatis Spanoudakis, Vaggelis, Mikis Theodorakis, Andriana Babali, Kotsiras, Standing Egg, Fanny Fink, Linus Blanket, Owl City,Globus,Gazette, SNSD, Atom Music Audio, Ramin Djawadi,Zack Hemsey,Hans Zimmer,Nightwish.
Some favorite songs- Titanic by Enya, Jolly Sailor Bold by Ashley Serena, Sleeping Sun by Nightwish, Hell shall perish by Efissio Cross,Carol of the bells epic version by L'Orchestra Cinematique, Thy sleep shall be sweet by Efissio Cross, Greensleeves by Richard Jones.

Little things I love- Everyday comforts and little luxuries. Being around people I love, cozy and clutter free environments and spaces, a good night's sleep,coffee breaks,walks in nature.
Jan 21, 1993 (Age: 32)
Diagnosis Status
Not Sure



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