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I have history of:

(From when I was a child and some symptoms still present in adulthood)

  • speech delay ( used to have speech delay a long time ago)
  • incredibly delusional personality and sensory perspective of myself and trouble changes in bizarre behaviors ( I used to have that problem, but still engage in repetitive behaviors and have some kind of limited interests )
  • developmentally delayed chronological age
  • developmentally delayed IQ
  • late toilet training and problems with tying my shoes ( That was a long time ago )
  • some symptoms related to dyslexia ( I had trouble reading, but it slowly got improved )
  • some coordination problems ( I don’t have coordination problems anymore)
  • developmentally delayed social skills ( used to have trouble understanding verbal and none-verbal social cues and had abnormal eye contact when I was a child and a young teenager and used to to have blank facial expressions, used to not cry when I needed something and etc, when I was a toddler)
( when I was a young child )

  • disorganised speech
  • strange facial expressions
  • self-abusive behaviors in frustration ( such as, head banging and hitting myself in the head for sensory needs or when routine changed and when I could not communicate correctly at that time )
(From childhood to adulthood )

  • trouble changes in from one transition of the environment to another ( I am more likely to suffer from mental health issues ( such as delusional disorder with manic mood swings )) if my transition changes from one environment to another
( From childhood to adulthood )

( ADHD was discovered when I was a young teenager and taking medication for it )

  • unusually hyperactive
  • trouble with focus
  • spacing out
  • drifting out



I don't have trouble with social skills at all anymore, even though I do have history of developmental delay and reports that in childhood and early adolescents that I had developmentally delayed milestones and delusional prospective of myself that is part of developmental delay
Feb 5, 2001 (Age: 24)
Diagnosis Status
PDD-NOS - Officially Diagnosed
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