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Hello I am a 19 year old boy diagnosed with aspergers syndrome from a very early age and this is some information about me.

I live in Sweden and I go at a high school for people with things like ADHD or autism .

My main interests are computers and technology , aquariums and aquarium fish in general and I also really like animated movies.

As for myself I live in the countryside surrounded by forests and I am constantly reminded of the nearby wildlife with the sounds of birds in the daytime and if I listen closely at night I may hear owls or a vixen screaming.

Life has not always been easy for me however because during my first year of high school I suffered from depression and tried hanging myself several times before I seeked help about it by talking to my mom about it and that was all it took for me to get out of it.
Mar 26, 2001 (Age: 23)
Diagnosis Status
Aspergers Syndrome - Officially Diagnosed
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