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I am not properly diagnosed, but I have visited enough psychiatrists to have received a comment "you do have some pretty obvious symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder..."

ASD is the last diagnosis one would get after all alternatives have been ruled out. If one is limited only to a social side of the diagnosis criteria, it is Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder. I find it likely that this would be my diagnosis if I would ever get one, because my other symptoms (which do exist) are rather mild when compared to experiences of people in this forum, Quora etc.

And I am pretty sure that some of my symptoms I have developed after I found out what autism really is (I am a little bit ashamed that my first reaction to autism suspicions was "I am not a retarded Rainman!"). Mimicking behavior, which I have always had.

I don't know. To me the most important symptoms are very real and I don't think it matters what causes them, as I am happy with myself and my life. It could have been useful to get some professional guidance 45 years ago, though...
Diagnosis Status
Not Sure


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