If you've ever seen the Avatar movies, they touch upon this concept of this communication network in nature. I am not sure if the creators of the Avatar movies modeled this after what actually happens in nature on Earth, or not, but to be certain, trees do communicate with each other. In nature, in a typical forest, the "mother" tree will send nutrients to their "children" in times of stress via the mycelial network.
Come to find out many, if not all plants, will emit sounds when under stress. Whether one is out in the yard cutting the grass or pruning bushes, whether one plant is under attack by insects or caterpillars, sounds will be emitted and heard by the nearby plants. Those "warning" sounds, then trigger defense mechanisms in other nearby plants.
My grandfather, a poor farmer from Finland, came to the US in the early 1900's, and taught me quite a bit about plants in general, but also how to do it sustainably, working with nature. I really, really miss the man. I loved spending time with him in the garden and greenhouse. I can't say that about many people. He was a true mentor to me. I have had a long special interest in plants of all sorts. The biodiversity is amazing. I have quite a collection of plants, myself. Each one, I treat with the sort of attention, love, and respect I would to another person. It's really a sad day when one of my plants die, so I do my best to learn as much as I can and make sure they have their best life.
Now, with this new information, I have a lot more respect for not only plants, but the mycelial network and mushrooms.