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I'm trying not to post my thoughts on Facebook or YouTube so much

I remember back in 2020 I made a joke on YouTube on a video where a man in a mask was rejected from a building because he had a mask on (the video was obviously filmed way before covid), so I said "now they're rejecting people for NOT wearing a mask" with a smiley face. Many people liked my comment, but one person had to post something rude and hurtful to me, starting with "listen, numpty..." and gave me a sort of "I know it all!" lecture.
"Numpty" is an insulting slur that means "idiot; a stupid person" and I don't know why but it is rather powerful when you really want to hurt or humiliate someone. Unless it's said as a joke, but this person wasn't joking. I could almost feel the hostile undertone in his comment.

Often when I see videos of parents doing anything with their child, the comments are full of shaming them and accusing them of child abuse. It makes me sick. Like for example a person might be videoing a father bouncing his happy baby on his knee, and people in the comments would say it's child abuse and that he shouldn't bounce a baby on his knee, that sort of thing. It's stupid. Like what are people supposed to do with their children without getting a lecture? Everything they do is wrong.
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Not much I can do other than force myself not to do it.
There are lots of things you could try. But, you are right that it isn’t easy.


How To Break Bad Habits
Free speech is about the government and its people, liable is not free speech nor copyright this what you mean by grey area. Try yelling fire in a crowed building see how fast you get arrested, Debating versus discussing is where the nuance is.

Yes and no. "Yelling fire in a crowded opera house" ? Maybe in your country, but not ours. This was a tenet of US law many years ago before 1969. Since then, the limits of free speech are outlined by "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action". Effectively diminishing the Doctrine of Clear and Present Danger precedent of 1919.

Free speech is a civil liberty. With jurisdictions constitutionally guaranteeing and defining it while others may not. Agreed, civil liability is indeed an entirely separate issue. Yet only one of these issues is pertinent to this website, and it isn't "free speech".

"Free Speech" of this proprietary domain is ultimately up to the site owner to make their own terms and conditions. Not with any intention of compliance with any particular nation's laws, but rather to define and acknowledge potential civil liability.

It's all too easy to demand "free speech" without understanding that in doing so, you make the site owner as vulnerable as anyone who might invoke a civil wrong. Regardless of whatever terms and conditions may exist designed to limit their liability.

So responsibilities go both ways. We are allowed to be here and share our thoughts, but our thoughts should not create liability problems for our host and his business.
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I'd say that that people seeking out arguments or just being flat out trolls isn't anything new online, or on social media/YouTube.
I think it was somewhere between 2007 and 2010 that I essentially got bullied off of the YouTube comments, and I stayed away from it for approximately 10 years before finally looking at the comments.. yes just looking at them. Eventually I started commenting on YouTube videos again but it's rather rare and I typically only do it when I feel I have something to input or add, and rarely on a whim.
As for Facebook I haven't touched it in years but that's more because I just never understood it. I did use to be on there in the early years of it, back when it was just Facebook and MySpace as the two main social media options, but I rarely posted anything on my wall. I mostly just played those Facebook games that probably don't exist anymore, like that farming one (Farmville?) for example, and occasionally commented on family member's and classmate's posts. The main thing I didn't get, and still don't get, is why everyone was posting about their day to day lives. I didn't do that myself because I felt like nobody would be interested due to how repetitive and uninteresting my life was/still is. But I digress.

I also don't really understand why so many people, and even more people nowadays apparently, troll people online. It just seems cruel, evil, and sadistic to me.. finding some sorta twisted pleasure in making other people freak out and laughing at their reactions, which are more oftentimes then not perfectly warranted given the situation.
Again trolling is nothing new, like when did the first "troll memes" such as the "troll face" ones start circulating? But it seems trolling has become more common and even normalized nowadays online especially on social media.
Heck from what I heard Twitter/X has become a cesspool for it, and perhaps Facebook will soon fall too due to Zuckerberg's recent shift of policy.
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It seems all famous people with ASD are idiots or psychopaths. Makes me even less fond of it.
Yeah I keep thinking that they're not a very good representation of us. It's a shame really.. we need more famous people with Asperger's/Autism that aren't horrible people.

Should probably stop this line of dialogue here tho, so we don't go too far with this.

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