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  • My weighted blanket burst.. the label said I could machine wash it 😔
    I'm surprised the washing machine didn't burst. Those things weigh a lot, nevermind when they're wet.
    It was an over tired, impulsive, thoughtless decision. Also some hypochondria involved. Mum's birthday present she'll be mad! Ruined so many things with anxiety. Google says a top loading washing machine can tear blankets, mine is front. Already chucked it,.was making a mess. Looks like glass beads. Hope the washing machine survives.
    Getting 'shouldnt have done that' text from mum. Well I did ask and she said check label! No good saying it and being an expert now !!
    Some loud idiot in the restaurant was declaring that Fibromyalgia is a lazy person's disease and is not real. The man told me he's long term unemployed and is an alcoholic. I wasn't even annoyed, just found it funny!
    Yeah, in my experience, alcoholics like to find the fault in everyone else and never take a look in the mirror. Well, until they get sober.
    You just described my brother. I feel if I don't call him out soon I'll not forgive myself. @FilterFreq
    He's back on the booze after a health scare. I was really hoping it would be the catalyst for change. I guess the shock wore off. I'm getting fed up with him coming round my house with a crate of beers, getting pissed, picking an argument, it's not normal to drink in front of a sober person. The party ended well over a decade ago for me.
    Think I know why I get stressed by doctors. I never know how to answer their questions about what symptoms I have. I struggle to find the words and I'm also so in my head that I don't really know what going on with my body half the time.
    Me too. I don't know how to describe symptoms and sometimes don t even notice something is wrong. It is annoying
    Maybe writing them down at home before the visit could help? Asking about symptoms is question that's very likely to be asked at a doctor's office.
    yeah i did. I got asked lots of questions that i hadnt anticipated and i could tell she was a little frustrated with me, but not rude, she was 30 mins behind schedule
    Im getting to the point of wanting to tell people how i really feel instead of holding it all in as usual. Ill be labelled a bully or I fear ill get humiliated again.
    Oh so it was a lone wolf mission
    Tony Ramirez
    Yes so I left. I was still calm as a cucumber that day even set up my uncle's TV but today was the tipping point the boiling point I couldn't take this crap no more with the pda and the 2 word walking away conv.
    Yeah you had enough. Ive come down from my mini meltdown
    Having an inner meltdown so I open up a meditation app. Why do they always begin with an inspirational quote to skip past. Then all these pop ups asking you to donate! I already pay 50 pounds a year, calm me down don't stress me out!
    I'm trying to just accept the pain and not write a whole fictional story about it which will open up a whole world of secondary suffering. It is what it is.
    Going to the gym in non fitness gear because you were walking by and fancied it is fine. The only appropriate gear I had on were trainers that's it. Having to have all the gear like a muscle shirt or yoga pants is neurotypical rigid thinking in my opinion!
    I once was sneered at for going on a hike with sandals. My friend had the walking boots n all. It was only a trail around a gentle hill. I called them my "adventure sandals" (stolen from Wild Boyz 😂) At least it got a laugh!
    I once went to the gym in the same clothes I wore to class, hung my blazer on a weight rack, and worked out like that. It's about the habit of going. You're doing fine.
    I had anxiety and I'm really glad i went, anxiety has gone!
    Anxiety attack = blamethrower engaged.

    Main thing I can do is concentrate on managing the emotions over thinking of reasons it's someone else's fault.
    I don't like to be asked "How are you?" on an email especially by a successful family member. There's pressure to write enough not to be rude but also to lie.
    When I take a break from screen time and other media and just do chores in silence or sit in silence that's when the physical pain, anger at the pain and blame for that pain comes in. That's why I'm always distracting myself.
    That's a problem too. I always listen to the same stuff so it does not bother me, but everyone is different.
    Do you listen to some K Pop?
    Kpop, j-rock, indie, classical i pretty much listen to everything except maybe rap. I have several different playlists
    How does someone do self compassion. When I don't meet my standards I get very upset and punish myself!
    I do have a lot to deal with pain, stress and fatigue. it's when I make bad decisions.. and I have an addict brain that works against my better judgement. So hard to break the cycle!
    Think of how you would treat other addicts here. Think of the support and compassion you would offer them. You deserve this, too.
    Ugh when you got the option of a bus that arrives 5 minutes before or a whole hour before a Dr appointment 😭 you know it's going to be late..
    always... ugh
    Last time I had 10 minutes leeway and still arrived late.. looks like I should take the early one and bring a book and buy a coffee! Luckily they have these bariatric chairs which are flippin comfy! 😁
    You got this.
    Burned another bridge with my temper when I felt slighted, I'm not able to express myself in a socially acceptable way in real life. Emotions take over
    Yes, i relate to this too. I started to write down my feelings when something triggers me so i can remember them when the time of my appointment comes.
    Yes I should good advice I am on a waiting list probably 5 months to go
    Tony Ramirez
    Triggers seeing couples, platonic friendship and travels by plane they make trigger me badly even amongst my closest friends Otherwise I'm find around people.
    Getting quite severe depression after drinking coffee. I really should stop. Apparently people with mood disorders should have caffeine in moderation..
    Tony Ramirez
    Drinking coffee is helping me. Use to never until 2 months ago. Going to my "local" really 45 minute walk coffee shop but I love so much the community got me hooked to coffee, a new community and talking to women more.
    I think that would be a good idea - to stop if you feel so poor. If you still want a hot drink, you can try making tea. Or hot cocoa!
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