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Aspergers Forum

Aspergers Forum 2016-10-03

The Aspergers Forum is a site for people both on and off the spectrum. It's 'direction' is obviously aimed at aspies but it is hoped the site will be useful for NTs who may be looking at developing a better understanding of ASD. The site is ad free and will stay that way.

Now open, official opening: 3rd Oct '16
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

Latest reviews

Site revamped to provide a more secure environment. Remember, we are an ad free site, both built and maintained by aspies. Aspergers Forum offers a new stage in your journey.
Great to have an encouraging community of people who share in the same autistic and aspie qualms. I wish I would have discovered aspergers forum sooner.
This is a very friendly and supportive ASD community run, as the text says, by autistics, for autistics - there's even a section for NT's.
The layout of the site will allow for a clear view of personal journeys through discovery of being on the spectrum to coping and the positive aspects we can find within ourselves.
A very comfy, welcoming place, full of people who are respectful and great listeners! I'm loving it, very soothing and supportive. Check it out if you can. :)
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