A solid applied overview of ASD as it pertains to the world of work, with end of chapter take-aways and lots of anecdotes sprinkled in. Would make an solid resource for someone new to working. For those who are older and already spent time in the workforce, or have read a number of other overview books on ASD, there won't be that much which is new.
The reason I have chosen to give a failing grade is the tag line for the book, at the top of the back corner is "up to 85% of the Asperger's population are without full time employment, though many have above-average intelligence."
In the book itself, the only reference to this is in the introduction, page xiv, where she writes "It is thought that over 85% of people with AS are without fulltime employment."
1) How can she write "up to 85%" and then "over 85"? That's illogical.
2) She did not cite a source in that sentence or paragraph, nor does her wording suggest a source, even if it's anecdotal
As an aspie, I find this very disappointing. We value truth and expect the best. For the book's tag line to be a work of fiction is an unfortunate blemish on what is otherwise a good work.