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Autism and Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Autism and Neurodiversity in the Workplace 2021-04-01

This free program developed by Dr. Karen Bopp at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism (CIRCA) at the University of British Columbia (UBC) includes a series of five self-paced, interactive modules filled with useful activities and videos.

The program is designed to assist human resource professionals, employers, supervisors, managers, co-workers, job coaches and counsellors, autistic employees, parents, students, and anyone interested in inclusive employment to learn practical strategies on how to support all employees to be successful on the job.

The videos include a autistic individuals speaking on a variety of topics, such as barriers to employment for autistic individuals, individual preferences for identity-first or person-first language, diagnosis disclosure, and barriers to employment for autistic individuals to name some examples (links go to one of the 29 sample videos - the course itself includes a lot more stories including from both those on the spectrum, employers, and others.)

The first module provides a general overview of autism and is a great introduction for friends, family, and colleagues interested in learning about it.

Module 1 - Understanding Autism in the Workplace (~70 min)
Learn about persons with ASD and briefly review each of the four key topic areas in modules 2 through 5

Module 2 - The Case for Hiring Inclusively (~30 min)
Understand the financial benefits of hiring inclusively and learn the strengths that autistic employees bring to the job.

Module 3 - Creating an Inclusive Work Culture (~30 min)
Learn strategies to create effective inclusive work environments to support autistic employees

Module 4 - Inclusive Recruitment Strategies (~40 min)
Learn practical strategies to adjust the recruitment process to remove barriers.

Module 5 - Inclusive Employee Retention Strategies (~40 min)
Learn a range of strategies that will support on-boarding and the day-to-day success of autistic employees.

The CIRCA Autism and Neurodiversity in the Workplace Module Program has been pre-approved by the Chartered Professionals in Human Resources (CPHR) BC & Yukon for CPD hours.
First release
Last update


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