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Autism Women's Network

Autism Women's Network 2015-10-12

From their About page (not written by me!):

The mission of the Autism Women’s Network is to provide effective supports to Autistic women and girls of all ages through a sense of community, advocacy and resources.

The Autism Women’s Network is dedicated to building a supportive community for Autistic women of all ages, our families, friends and allies. AWN provides a safe space to share our experiences in an understanding, diverse and inclusive environment.

AWN is committed to recognizing and celebrating diversity and the many intersectional experiences of Autistic women. The Committee on Autism & Ethnicity was established to highlight the impact of race and culture on Autistic lives. This committee is working toward finding ways to support individuals and families in multiple marginalized populations.

DIVERgent: when disability & feminism collide is an initiative of Autism Women’s Network that seeks to explore the impact of sexism and ableism in disabled and nondisabled communities. DIVERgent is run exclusively by disabled women of varying identities and disabilities.

AWN has worked to conduct a women’s health provider survey to prepare a database of intimate care providers. These providers offer sensory friendly and accessible health care to Autistic women.

In it’s work to develop more inclusive, accessible communities and opportunities for Autistic women, AWN has focused on challenging societal attitudes about the worth of disabled lives. AWN has called for the zealous prosecution of hate crimes against disabled people.

AWN welcomes all women, supporters of women, those who have at one time identified as women and non binary gender variant individuals. AWN recognizes and affirms the gender identity of each individual. AWN also welcomes the support and community of those who do not and have not identified as women as allies to support us in our work.
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