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AutismHWY.com 2014-10-10

Los Angeles, California
AutismHWY will provide a place of acceptance and diversity online for families to connect while navigating the twists and turns of our challenging daily lives. Makers of the children's autism acceptance coloring book series, Making Friends with Autism and host of yearly community chalk festivals.

AutismHwy.com started with my inspiration, my son Wyatt Green, and my hope that Autism and Asperger Syndrome will soon be understood on a much more mainstream and useful level. Something that is long overdue! We are hoping for greater awareness about our wonderful population, and what we have to contribute to one another and the world!

Our hope is that AutismHWY will be able to connect similar individuals and their support systems. To many, many other families dealing wih the same issues. Becoming a place where we can, celebrate our differences and learn through our similarities!

The A.S.D. community is brimming with talented, fun and inventive people! People bringing a rich, pure perspective to the landscape of life. AutismHWY.com hopes to empower our community by allowing these people to connect, learn and showcase what each can contribute! Self esteem and fun belong to everyone here at AutismHWY!

Our mission is to Promote Friendship through Common Understanding! Spreading awareness to make the knowledge common! So join the journey and have fun as we spread the word! Merge with us as we take our Autism Highway mainstream!
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