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Curcumin: New Use for an Old Spice? 2017-01-10

This is a study of the effectiveness of curcumin as an anti-inflamatory properties relating to the possibility of easing mood disorders using a spice commonly found in curry.
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I would like to ad my personal experience. I was diagnosed with bi-polar type 2 because nothing else made sense to the docs. The drugs didn't really work and eventually, after 30 years, I just threw them out and started following the recommendations of a psychiatrist who uses no drugs. Along with dietary changes and meditation she recommended turmeric. After realizing I have Asperger's I've remained mostly drug free and healthy for several years on whole turmeric with piperine. It does not fully relieve the symptoms of chronic stress but unless you are in a severe period of that, it's very helpful.
Great to hear when others try to do things the natural way instead of playing with big pharma
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