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Navigating Autism

Navigating Autism 2022-07-30

Book Type
  1. Paperback
  2. Digital
  3. Audible
Temple Grandin, Debra Moore
Imagine what it might be like to think of potential rather than struggles when considering autism. Imagine work with kids that emphasize strengths instead of deficits. And imagine looking at a child or teen with autism and seeing countless fascinating facets just waiting to be nurtured and developed.

Here, international best-selling writer and autist Temple Grandin joins psychologist Debra Moore to do just that. They present nine strength-based mindsets necessary to successfully work with young people on the autism spectrum.

Temple Grandin shares her own personal experiences and anecdotes from parents and professionals who have sought her advice, while Debra Moore draws on more than three decades of work as a psychologist with kids on the spectrum and those who love and care for them. In addition to their own perspectives, Grandin and Moore have added the findings of scientific studies so that you can feel comfortable knowing the viewpoints are rooted in and confirmed by research.

This combination of personal, professional, and scientific content will give you engaging, up-to-date, and effective ways to help kids on the spectrum. Discover ways to capture a fuller picture of a child during an evaluation. Learn what questions to ask before starting any intervention. Gain tools to keep a child in their unique growth zone and learn what factors truly matter in preparing a teen for successful adulthood.

Temple Grandin, PhD, is a professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University who also lectures widely on her experiences with autism.

Debra Moore, PhD, is a psychologist with over three decades of experience working with autistic individuals and their families.

W.W. Norton & Company
First release
Last update


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