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Odd Girl Out: An Autistic Woman in a Neurotypical World 2017-04-06

Book Type
  1. Hardcover
  2. Digital
Laura James
(from the Amazon.co.uk website)
Laura James found out that she was autistic as an adult, after she had forged a career for herself, married twice and raised four children. Odd Girl Out tracks the year of Laura's life after she receives a definitive diagnosis from her doctor, as she learns that 'different' doesn't need to mean 'less' and how there is a place for all of us, and it's never too late to find it.

Laura draws on her professional and personal experiences and reflects on her life in the light of her diagnosis, which for her explains some of her differences; why, as a child, she felt happier spinning in circles than standing still and why she has always found it difficult to work in places with a lot of ambient noise.

Although this is a personal story, the book has a wider focus too, exploring reasons for the lower rate of diagnosed autism in women and a wide range of topics including eating disorders and autism, marriage and motherhood.

This memoir gives a timely account from a woman negotiating the autistic spectrum, from a poignant and personal perspective.
First release
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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I have now read this book twice because I love it so much. It's like reading all about my life. With a few exceptions I could just Tippex a few bits out and fill them in with my own details! I believe that any middle aged woman recently diagnosed will find it deeply affirming and comforting.

Laura writes superbly and frankly. She's was around the same age as me when she was diagnosed, and being a female Aspie I can identify with her book so much. It validates everything I have experienced and she puts into words what I am unable to do.
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