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Older Adults and Autism Spectrum Conditions: An Introduction and Guide

Older Adults and Autism Spectrum Conditions: An Introduction and Guide 2021-08-22

Book Type
  1. Paperback
  2. Digital
Wenn Lawson
The first book to look seriously at the practical issues facing older adults with autism spectrum conditions (ASC), Wenn Lawson's groundbreaking handbook offers support, advice, and sensible ways in which to look at the issues.

Informed by current research, interviews with older people diagnosed with ASC and his own experience, the author covers a multitude of issues including dealing with transitions and changes to routine, communicating an individual's particular needs and wishes to care home staff, the social and financial impact of retirement, mental health, and sensory and physical changes and challenges.

Wenn B. Lawson, PhD, Cpsychol AFBPsS is a lecturer and author. Since being diagnosed with autism in 1994, Wenn has been passionately committed to campaigning for the rights of people on the autism spectrum. In 2008 Wenn was awarded forth place in the ‘Victorian Australian of the Year’ awards.

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
First release
Last update


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