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Psychotherapist Rachael Lee Harris 2014-10-10

Burpengary, QLD, Australia
Rachael is a registered Psychotherapist specialising in Asperger's Syndrome and High Functioning Autism. Rachael provides a unique contribution to the field of Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) therapy and research from her perspective as a woman who, herself, has been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.

Rachael's search for self-understanding led to her travelling in Europe and living and working in England. She ran a successful Beauty Therapy business in the heart of the city for some years before exploring the Human Condition, entering a monastery and living the life of a contemplative nun.

Rachael is the only Psychotherapist in Australia diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome specialising in this field. From an insider's perspective, Rachael counsels both adults and children, their carers and partners, drawing on her life experience, which gives her a special ability to bridge the gap between neurotypicals and those on the Autism Spectrum.

Rachael also organises occasional social retreats, for women on the spectrum, through the Asperger's Sisterhood.
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