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The Aspie Girl’s Guide to Being Safe with Men

The Aspie Girl’s Guide to Being Safe with Men 2023-08-27

Book Type
  1. Paperback
  2. Digital
Debi Brown
Aspies girls and women are incredibly vulnerable to having bad sexual relationships with men, whether or not they are interested in pursuing dating and sexual relationships. This may be partly because as teenagers, Aspie girls are often not part of the social groups where their non-spectrum peers learn the ‘rules’ that are vital to their physical and emotional safety in society. Debi Brown has written this important book to fill the resulting knowledge gap – how to interact safety with men – to help other Aspie girls and women avoid common pitfalls and potentially dangerous situations.

This is essential reading for every girl and woman on the autism spectrum, from age 13 upwards. Appreciating that Aspies need explanations to be explicit and comprehensive, Debi Brown provides sound, practical strategies for staying safe in many different situations, sensitive yet honestly explaining what the Aspie girl’s rights and choices are, and how to act on her choices to stay safe. Clear, unambiguous advice is given on abstract issues, including the importance of boundaries and how to recognize and report inappropriate or abusive behaviour. Strategies for improving self-esteem and for overcoming negative experiences are also included.

Debi Brown is an Aspie. She has a post-graduate certificate in Autism from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland, and is an autism author, speaker and educator.

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
First release
Last update


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